Special equipment: Transformation system, ion field generator, modular passenger seat, gravitational cloak, TC/D drive, memory system
Length: 18 meters, wingspan 17.7 meters
Propulsion: Gravity drive: 470,000 kg thrust; top speed 7000 kph
Fixed armaments: Gravitational laser Gatling, mounted under nosecone, x6 barrels rated at 7000 MW each
Special equipment: Transformation system, ion field generator, gravitational cloak, TC/D drive, memory system
The introduction of the One–series XSeed combat frames ignited an arms race that saw not just the Coalition, but all factions, striving to produce a weapon as far above an XSeed as the XSeeds were above Guardians.Once again, Father of the Combat Frame Tesla Browning would usher in a new weapon paradigm with the XCDS-00M0 XSeed Metatron.
Operating from a remote asteroid base constructed by a long-dead civilization, Browning enlisted help from the enigmatic Secta called Kaeri to achieve multiple stunning breakthroughs. New concepts in carbon bonding and gravity manipulation gleaned from extrasolar sources yielded startling advancements in power generation, propulsion, sensor, stealth, armor, and weapon technologies. As was his wont, Browning built all of these advances into a single combat frame.
Browning built the Metatron around a revolutionary generator which harnessed a marble-sized black hole. Though the singularity at the XSeed’s core weighed more than the Chrysler Building, gravitons channeled from the CF’s propulsion system offset this otherwise unmanageable weight–a solution which Browning likened to, “pulling one’s feet off the ground by one’s own shirt collar.”
Regarding said propulsion system, the Metatron implemented a paradigm-shattering “gravity drive” which used gravitons skimmed from its generator to manipulate gravity as a wave. This drive enveloped the XSeed in a spatial bubble which did all the moving while the CF inside technically remained still. This arrangement allowed the CF to make right-angle turns at speed, accelerate from a full stop to top speed instantaneously and vice versa without the pilot experiencing what would normally be fatal g’s. A pair of wave guides attached to the Metatron’s back helped to direct these waves for greater maneuverability and control. Each wave guide consisted of three panels which could fan open on a hinge, making the XSeed appear to have angelic “wings”.
For the Metatron’s armaments, Browning drew inspiration from his original combat frame design by adding a rotary cannon. Unlike the mini-gun Browning bolted to a farming mech, the Metatron’s gravitational laser Gatling fired gravity-focused energy beams from each of its six spinning barrels. A sustained barrage proved capable of destroying a space colony, putting the XCDS-00M0 on par with the most powerful warships.
Browning installed a plasma sword emitter in the XSeed’s right forearm as its close-quarters weapon. Knowing that any opponent which managed to get into melee range with the Metatron posed an extraordinary threat, Browning eschewed the conventional magnetic field in favor of a graviton-based system to shape and hold the blade. This enhancement allowed for a greater volume of higher-energy plasma in the blade’s composition. The result was a weapon many times more powerful than any standard plasma blade.
Supplementing its relatively conventional gravity drive, the XCDS-00M0 implemented a little-understood TC/D drive. This device allowed the Metatron to traverse interstellar distances almost instantaneously. To facilitate TC/D, the XSeed incorporated transformation capability much like the XCD-102 Emancipator. The Metatron’s fighter mode gave it greater speed and stability, and pilots were advised to make TC/D jumps only in this form.
Higher-order defense was the defining mark of an XSeed, and the Metatron was no exception. Browning armored the XCDS-00M0 with the class’ trademark “1D” carbyne armor, which Kaeri augmented with fractal diamond isomers as seen in the Harvester. This enhancement meant that the Metatron could absorb half of an energy attack directed against it while repelling the rest. Instead of a single capacitor, energy from absorbed attacks was stored in the soft diamond matrix which suffused the XSeed’s structure. This measure prevented the catastrophic explosions sometimes triggered by capacitor breaches in other XSeeds.
Browning stepped up the Metatron’s defenses even further with the addition of an ion field to preserve armor integrity by deflecting plasma and particle attacks. To help ensure those attacks never took place, he improved on the XCD-104 Eschaton‘s dynamic optical cloak with an active gravitational cloak.This cloaking device used the same principles as the Metatron’s main propulsion system to surround the XCDS-00M0 in a gravity cocoon which warped light, EM waves, and all forms of radiation around the XSeed, rendering it practically invisible.
The Metatron differed from other XSeeds in lacking an A.I. operating system. Giving the pilot more direct control offered a speed increase but placed him at a disadvantage against more seasoned pilots. Kaeri compensated by equipping the Metatron’s cockpit with a Memory System based on a similar BCI/engram storage system from her Jigoku combat frame’s regeneration pod. By continually scanning the pilot’s brain activity, Metatron would maintain a constantly updated record of his combat data. These stored memories provided the main pilot with a performance-optimizing feedback stream and granted other pilots the benefits of his skill and experience. Only Secta, Sentinels, and those of Martian extraction were known to be compatible with the XCDS-00M0’s Memory System.
The XSeed Metatron will make its spectacular debut in the upcoming Combat Frame XSeed: CY 40 Second Coming. Get ready for the book’s rapidly approaching launch by reading the original Combat Frame XSeed today!