A Texas jury has sided with a witch who seeks to turn her son into a girl as revenge against her ex-husband.
Jeff Younger said his son is happy being a boy and does not desire to be a girl, according to The Texan. James Younger’s pediatrician mother, Anne Georgulas, as well as counselors and therapists who testified on her behalf, told the court that the 7-year-old is transgender and had expressed to each of them that he wished he were a girl.
A Texas jury decided Monday that Jeff Younger cannot stop James Younger’s social gender transition to a girl. A social transition refers to when a person begins to publicly conform to the opposite gender, according to Planned Parenthood.
There it is. They’re taking out kids and sterilizing them under color of law. If we submit to this ultimate humiliation ritual, Western civilization is done for, and it will deserve the coming oblivion.
A small white pill: Texas Governor Greg Abbott has taken an interest in the case.

If Abbott orders the arrests for child abuse of the witch, her attorneys, the butchers in scrubs who are facilitating the torture of her son, and the jury, we may have a chance to avoid plunging into the abyss.
In the meantime, pray for James.
UPDATE: The cultural doomsday clock has been moved back one minute from midnight.
A judge ruled Thursday that Jeff Younger has a say in whether or not his 7-year-old son goes through a gender transition.
Judge Kim Cooks of Texas’s 255th district ruled Thursday that parents Younger and Anne Georgulas will have joint guardianship over James Younger, LifeSite News reported. This joint guardianship includes joint decision-making for medical decisions.
Praise God for delivering this boy from Moloch’s claws. This is justice for him and more mercy than our sick society deserves.
Ideally, Abbott keeps his nerve, and the father be making all of his son’s medical decisions because the mother will be behind bars.
And the witches wonder why they were used as cord wood.
Prayers continuing for James' deliverance.
Seems your prayer was granted. See update above.
I fear that it might not be over. Prayers will continue.
Always a sound policy.
What's the over-under on the wife kidnapping the victim and takign him across state lines?
She's a coward who uses tractable men to do her bidding, hence going right to the state to enforce her misandrist delusions.
She won't dirty her own hands. She'll keep seeking amenable authority in the state and the mainstream media.
According to customer reviews of her medical practice this woman has a sick obsession with chemically castrating not just her own children but the children of others. May she repent and turn to Christ
That's what penitentiaries are for, after all.
Failing that, she could retire to a desolate place to contemplate her own wretchedness and God's infinite mercy.
Make banishment great again.
She sounds lovely. Can't imagine why that marriage failed.
Hopefully the father has learned a valuable lesson.
This is child abuse pure and simple. This kid is in no position to choose a gender and probably doesn't even understand the question. The mom and the lawyer who worked for her are evil. The court is being foolish.
Cutting off the genitals of a boy doesn't make him a girl anymore than putting on a pair of antlers makes you Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. Reality does not care what you "identify" as. The universe will not change to appease your feels. Going along with other people's delusions is not compassion.
Remember when these same people f*cking loved science?
That was when it could be used as a club to clobber the bitter clingers who believe in a power higher than the State. Now that it stands in the way of the current offensive of culture war, it must be ignored. Even bringing it up is now a hate crime.
they said they f*cking loved sceince in CAPITAL LETTERS SO YOU KNOW THEY'RE SERIOUS
I think there's an inverse relationship between intensity of the IFLS crowd's enthusiasm for "science" and the amount of time they spend doing anything that's actually scientific.
Elections are coming up, people. Those local ballots have judges on them, often running unopposed.
Get to know what that individual is all about, and become familiar with their record on the bench.
Don't just check the box. Eject the trash as necessary, and don't let it back into your society.
Pass this on to the law-savvy crowd like Nike Rekieta. Ask him how you go about looking at a judge's record.
Cosigned. Metokur tweeted that what happened here is the judge basically condemned the kid to chemical castration, then the public backlash motivated him to pull a 180 for fear they'd take revenge at the ballot box. Hence the gag order on James' dad.
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"Pass this on to the law-savvy crowd like Nike Rekieta. Ask him how you go about looking at a judge's record."
I'm not sure about Texas but in my state, a far more left leaning place, finding a judge's actual record, and not just their rating by litigants and attorneys, can be somewhat difficult to do.
A couple of judge's get the higher profile cases so you can always search their name in the news.
But the best way is probably to do a search of Appellate cases in your area and see what judges have the most cases overturned on appeal. There are some attorneys and firm who actually keep track of these things on public websites, though, unfortunately, outside of them, there is little demand for such a thing.
Having cases overturned on appeal isn't a great indicator because the Appellate court might suffer a rectal-cranial inversion, too. But if you see one judge's name appear over and over again in the court of appeals, more than most others, even if they aren't overturned, it might be considered some kind of indicator. Slipshod work on the bench at the very least. Playing fast and loose with rules and procedure and law. Letting their own prejudices influence their judgment.
Also, judges protect each other, even judges that hate each other. AS George Carlin once said, 'Its a small club and you ain't in it." So, many times, you can't search a case by judge's name. You have to search by the parties involved, which means another level of research. A cynical person could be forgiven for thinking this is on purpose, to make it that much more difficult to keep track of these things.
Also, in terms of the judge back tracking, Metokur is probably 100% correct. Judges are political animals. She tested the wind, saw which way it was blowing and adjusted her sails accordingly.
I believe the gag order is to serve two purposes. To silence dad so that he can't report the judge's conduct. And to keep him quiet until the issue is revisited at a later date when the judge feels the political winds will be more in line with her own prejudices.
This was a temporary reprieve for dad and son. The judge is biding her time.
I'm praying the governor and AG find the moral courage to make this a real fight and not just an attempt to grandstand for the right wing Texas voters.
If I were cynical, I'd say the judge is waiting for demographic change to move the needle in her favor. If I were even more cynical, I'd say she doesn't think the wait will be long.
If there's any lesson to be taken from Clown World politics, it's that one can never be too cynical.
Really never to early to enact term limits for judges: one term at the bench and one in Supermax.
Separates the wheat from the chaff.
Despite the court order granting him partial custody can he undertake civil action? If so, I suspect the dad would seek RICO indictments on top of the traditional civil law.
In the meantime, the American commentators should contact both the state and congressional representatives to demand laws that utterly prohibit thi
The politicians will certainly react if 100 000s of voter are irate enough.
Also perhaps creating PACS or superPACS to take down any politician or judge supporting such abominations could be looked into by the more familiar with those organizations
First, in many states, Family Court is already considered a Civil Court, rather than a Surrogates, Criminal or Supreme. I'm not sure about Texas, having never been there.
Second, if he has an attorney, I'm guessing that if there is a way to address this in another court (Civil or Appellate) he has to wait until the Family Court case has run its course. Generally, but not always and absolutely (there is no such thing in the legal system) you can't have a case taken up by a different/higher level court until there is a final order/decision on the case. And I could be wrong here, but there I don't think this one is over, hence the gag order.
-"In the meantime, the American commentators should contact both the state and congressional representatives to demand laws that utterly prohibit thi
The politicians will certainly react if 100 000s of voter are irate enough."
Sadly Xavier, many US politicians are so beholden now to the left, in every way, that they regularly ignore the wishes of their constituents, the Deplorables, and consider themselves morally superior for voting against their constituent's wishes. Its a mark of honor in the circles they wish to be part of.
The average Republican and the average Democrat is represented by people considerably to the Left of him.
Many thanks for the analysis.
Ok so it's up to us to affect change and the very local level.