Another day, another beloved IP despoiled by woke corporatism.
Last night, Mister Metokur broke the following cringeworthy yet inevitable news:

Read more on the impending Marvel heresy here.
The second paragraph is the most telling, as it’s an unabashed piece of brand management. It’s Marvel’s megacorp owners trading on the shared universe continuity they destroyed.
NB: The reference to Marvel Team-Up, which sounded the death knell for Marvel continuity, is too on-the-nose to be a coincidence.
Our corporate overlords and their SJW minions have ruined movies, TV, music, stand up comedy, video games, tabletop games, and knitting. Now Warhammer 40k fans are in for a taste of their shrill, forked lash.
Speaking of video games though, the gaming world played host to another spark of resistance to the Death Cult.
Heartbeat is a small indie game whose art designer recently dispensed some bitter red pills on Twitter.

In retaliation, the demented scolds on ResetEra flooded the game’s Steam page with attack reviews.

Any AAA game studio, or any corporate IP holder for that matter, would have bent the knee to the mob. But the team behind Heartbeat gave them an object lesson in the difference between corporate product and indie entertainment.

That’s right. The plucky indie devs not only didn’t bow to the hate mob’s demands, they bundled the game with its soundtrack and offered both at a 41% discount.
You can do your own digging to find out why that number is significant.
Result: Heartbeat shot up the charts. Last I saw, it was #24.

If you’re a member of a fandom, be it Star Wars or stamp collecting, the billion-dollar global corporations that control your favorite IP will not rest until all fun has been squeezed out of the hobby. Nothing can stop that since they’ve chosen to side with the Death Cult.
Let the demoniacs have their ill-gotten gains. We don’t need them now that indie creators in all fields are hard at work producing fun content that doesn’t insult its audience.
Do your part. Support indie science fiction today!

God Emperor of Humanity will become a black TransEmpress who embraces the Chaos to end the war. Also: female space marines and inquisitors.
And that's on the first page of issue 1!
Aren't female inquisitors, the Sisters of Battle, and the Sisters of Silence already part of the mythology?
Female Inquisitors are already in.
The Sisters are Battle are because the Ecclesiarchy is forbidden from having any men under arms. So they Eowyned their way around it.
The equivalent would be having males say they're women to join the SoBs.
Why I'm glad Pony has ended in a nutshell.
I've never been a Warhammer fan, but speaking as a Star Wars fan, I recommend fans start curating the old material and building their preferred canons now. 🙂
Yeah pretty much.
That's Step 1, of course; Step 2 is doing fan works based on that or filing off the serial numbers and doing indie work. 🙂
That's exactly how Galaxy's Edge started.
Just another franchise for us to replace.
Indeed. I tried getting into 40k multiple times. What always kept me from fully embracing it was that it had the trappings of Christianity over a core of nihilism.
I see an opening for Cruci-Fiction.
Strangely enough it's probably the easiest thing to replace. Seeing as how Warhammer is just a giant ripoff of other things anyways.
@Brian – same reason I never got into 40k as well, though I liked some of the ideas.
I've heard that in the original version of the lore–since redacted–the only human who stood up to (and was promptly dispatched by) Horus was explicitly said to be Catholic.
Did you try any of the Caiphas Cain books?
His stories are the only WH40K books I can stomach because the Grim-Dark is turned down quite a few notches and the books are pretty humorous at times. It turned out, I could do more than stomach them after I read them. They became some of my favorite books in Sci-Fi. They have a great cast of characters and the footnotes, since the books are 'memoirs' curated by Cain's friend/lover, are downright hilarious sometimes.
They're something like the old Flashman books.
@Brian – I’m sure the fedoratippers meant that as a jab, but at the same time, they tacitly are acknowledging who would have the spine to resist.
Anyway, I’d love to see a Cruci-fiction take on both the old Warhammer setting (I especially would love to see a story exploring the Dark Elves infiltrating High Elf society to corrupt it from within…how oddly reflected of what happens in the West) and the WH40k settings.
I've never played Warhammer or read any of the novels. Everything I know comes secondhand from friends who have.
I've met more than one Christian for whom 40k served as a gateway drug that led back to the fold.
That's a testament to the power of symbols and ritual–assuming it was the pseudo-Catholic terminology and imagery that won them over.
I think it's realizing it's OK to say "Heretic". More than OK. Fun!
That and it’s still a setting that makes it clear that evil has to die rather than be tolerated.
It's also a technical and highly precise term.
I knew this would happen. True to my Boy Scout roots, I am prepared. If the timetable for pozzing holds, the 40K audience will be ready for what I have to offer.
I'll do all I can to assist you.
And the worst part is that Marvel hired Zoe Quinn to run the 40 I franchise.
Man, Marvel really has a chemically pure animus towards the fanbase
That was a joke.
Marvel hired Quinn to write Hellcat.
Thanks for the correction. Well Warhammer 40k bought what? an extra year before it melts into radioactive slag.
I’d be curious to know how GW sales have been these last few years. Several other options have come about and they are significantly cheaper and/or have unique mechanics and that might have fractured their consumer base. Might explain why they’d willingly jump in bed with the dumpster fire corporate whore that is Marvel.
Fairly well, despite a British arrogance in pricing. However, they do seem to be starting down that lifestyle brand path with some real cult of personality marketing. Thus the recent Funko Pops, YA line, and other rather fannish choices.
Ugh. Well, I have my Caiphas Cain omnibuses safe on a shelf where they can't touch them.
They can have the rest. Too Grim-dark for me.
Consider investing in a hidden wall safe.
The Death Cult are already using 1984 as an instruction manual. How long before they do the same with Fahrenheit 451?
Given the "cancel culture" and their penchant for digital de-platforming and ad hominem book reviews, I would argue that they already have.
Load up your Kindle only to find half your books purged because some SJW deemed them hate literature.
That's one downside of eBooks I've always been up front about. No one really buys an eBook. He leases a license to access the book data on his devices. Amazon make no secret of the fact that they can revoke that license at any time.
That is why, though I cannot advocate converting your Kindle files to, say, epub format using programs like Calibre, I will offer to, upon request, give said files to readers who already own Kindle versions of my books.
I’ll start archiving my ebook receipts then. Appreciate you’re willingness to do so.
We’ve already lost so much literature, even if just in the form of various books and their authors having been forgotten….but seeing the recent kerfluffle at the Internet Archive, a purge is coming. I may just have to buy a few TB hardrives to back up such things should that occur.