Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Combat Frame Data: AZC-105A Dragonfly


AZC-105A Dragonfly
Technical Data
Model number: AZC-105A
Code name: Grand Dolph – Close Air Support Variant
Nickname: Dragonfly
Classification: mass production, transforming close air support combat frame
Manufacturer: Zeklov-Astraea
Operator: Systems Overterrestrial Coalition
First deployment: CY 40
Crew: 1 pilot in cockpit in chest
Height: 19.2 meters, 21.5 meters with nosecone
Weight: Dry weight 65 metric tons, full weight 104 metric tons
Armor type: titanium alloy/palladium glass/ceramic composite
Powerplant: cold fusion reactor, max output 1906 KW
Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 4x 32,000 kg, 4x 21,750 kg; top speed 2605 kph; maneuvering thrusters: 23, 180° turn time 0.88 seconds; legs: top ground speed 194 kph
Sensors: VISOR (Visible & Infrared Scanning Optical Receptor) mounted in head
Fixed armaments: Plasma sword, power rated at 0.47 MW, stored in recharge rack on back, hand-carried in use; x6 cruise missile launcher, shoulder-mounted; x21 pocket missile pod, mounted on arms; x2 hypersonic nuclear missile launcher, leg-mounted
Hand armaments: Grand Dolph machine rifle, loads 70mm graphene-coated tungsten rounds, magazine-fed, 100 rounds per mag, or belt-fed, 1000 round capacity
Fighter configuration
Length: 17.2 meters, wingspan 17.0 meters
Weight: 104 metric tons
Powerplant: cold fusion reactor, max output 1906 KW
Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 4x 32,000 kg, 4x 21,750 kg, 2x 15,500kg; top speed 3020 kph; maneuvering thrusters: 25
Sensors: VISOR (Visible & Infrared Scanning Optical Receptor) forward-mounted
Fixed armaments: 70mm autocannon, mounted under nose; x6 cruise missile launcher; x21 pocket missile pod; x2 hypersonic nuclear missile launcher – all missiles mounted under wings
General Notes
Zeklov Astraea built the AZC-104 Grand Dolph as the answer to hard-to-kill limited run CFs. The Dragonfly line was their answer to hard-to-kill ground targets and spaceships. The AZC-105A specifically addressed the former.At first glance, the Dragonfly appeared to be a Grand Dolph packing an alternate weapons loadout. More than one HALO and Wehrbund Bavaria pilot would make that fatal mistake.

The AZC-105 was the first mass-production combat frame to feature a transformation system. Similarly to the XCD-102 Emancipator, the Dragonfly Close Air Support type could shift into a high-speed fighter configuration. The graphene-tungsten bullet-firing autocannon retained from its Grand Dolph roots and the vast arsenal of missiles–including nuclear warheads–it carried made the Dragonfly a nightmare for elite CF pilots and ground forces alike.

Featuring a smart interlocking design, the AZC-105A’s missile pods could detach to save weight or for use as handheld missile launchers in CF mode.

Hats off to our fifth CY 40 Second Coming Build-a-Mech backer! To see more awesome reader-designed mechs in action, read Combat Frame XSeed: Coalition Year 40!

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