GCD-01B Pollux
Technical Data
number: GCD-01B
number: GCD-01B
name: Pollux
name: Pollux
Classification: heavy armor defense combat drone
Manufacturer: Lunar Underground modification of a Zeklov-Astraea design
Operator: HALO/Lunar Underground
deployment: CY 40
deployment: CY 40
Crew: integrated strong A.I.
Height: 18 meters
Weight: 97 metric tons
Armor type: “1D” carbyne laminar armor in dual-layer “heavy armor” configuration
Powerplant: x2 cold fusion reactor, max output 1727 KW and 276 KW, respectively
Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 4x 36,615 kg, 4x 20,285 kg, 2x 25,000 kg, 2x 15,875 kg, 2x 11,750 kg; top speed 2385 kph; maneuvering thrusters: 37, 180° turn time 0.81 seconds; legs: top ground speed 165 kph
Sensors: VISOR (Visible & Infrared Scanning Optical Receptor) mounted in head
Fixed armaments: spiked bracer mounted on left forearm
Optional hand armaments: tower shield, reinforced with 200 carbyne layers, equipped with internal ion field projector, carried in right hand; plasma lance, main head output rated at 1.1 MW, secondary head output rated at 0.60 MW, stored on charging rack on back, carried in left hand in use
Special Equipment: Combining system, ion field projector
Optional hand armaments: tower shield, reinforced with 200 carbyne layers, equipped with internal ion field projector, carried in right hand; plasma lance, main head output rated at 1.1 MW, secondary head output rated at 0.60 MW, stored on charging rack on back, carried in left hand in use
Special Equipment: Combining system, ion field projector
General Notes
The Lunar Underground’s second rebuild of a Zeklov-Astraea design, the GCD-01B Pollux is the yin to the GCD-01A‘s yang. Instead of focusing on offense, Pollux fills a primarily defensive role on the battlefield. It carries no ranged weapons, though its double carbyne armor can withstand nearly any conventional ordnance, while its ion field is capable of disrupting most plasma attacks.In case an enemy is foolish enough to get in close, Pollux carries a dual plasma lance rivaling any contemporary plasma hand weapon. To supplement its already impregnable defenses, the GCD-01B carries a tower shield reinforced with 200 carbyne layers and a built-in ion field projector.
Like the GCD-01A Castor, Pollux is operated by an integrated A.I. of the same name. The brother machine intelligences train together constantly to hone their combat skills and perfectly synchronize their tactics.
Perhaps the GCD-01B’s most impressive feature is its ability to enfold the GCD-01A, thus forming the GCD-02 Heavy Armor Gemini.
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