Hand armaments: Grand Dolph machine rifle, loads 70mm graphene-coated tungsten rounds, 100 shots per magazine
Midway through the HALO Conflict of CY 40, CDF Second Lieutenant Gerald Bauer approached Brussels Air Base commander General Howard Dryden with a plan to stage a series of false flag attacks. By blaming the attacks on Hainan’s HALO allies, the CDF could sway grounder opinion toward the Coalition.
Dryden and his superior Governor Tove approved Bauer’s operation. Framing HALO would require high-performance combat frames capable of inflicting heavy damage with discretion. Tove made an under-the-table-agreement with Burnard Industries, co-designers of the Grand Dolph, to modify three AZC-104 units for use by Bauer’s black ops team.
By all metrics, Burnard surpassed the deal’s terms. The AZC-104ST variant possessed all the toughness, speed, and firepower of its deadly predecessor, plus two nasty surprises.
First, Burnard made the AZC-104ST’s armaments even more potent and versatile with the addition of a novel pair of carbyne-steel windmill blades. Bearing serrated inner edges, the blades could spin around a hub mounted between the stealth Dolph’s left shoulder and torso like a propeller. The blades could tear through any armor short of XSeeds’ 1D carbyne laminate or grapple targets for close quarters punishment.
Still more ingeniously, both blades could lock together like a set of steel jaws to form the barrel of a long-range railgun. Capable of firing 10 kg steel darts at hypersonic speeds from the surface or the air, its railgun gave the Stealth Grand Dolph the ability to launch devastating kinetic strikes without warning or fear of retaliation.
Not even these lethal enhancements satisfied Burnard. As a finishing touch, he equipped all three AZC-104ST units with optical camo identical to the XCD-104 Eschaton‘s dynamic cloak. Used in combination with its armor’s radar-dispersing graphene layer, the AZC-104ST’s cloak gave it nigh-impenetrable stealth–much to Hainan’s sorrow.