Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Gabbin’ About Mecha

Combat Frame XSeed: CY 40 Second Coming

This weekend I returned to Geek Gab to talk mecha with my old partners in thought crime Daddy Warpig and Dorrinal.

Contrasting with and complementing my appearance on David Stewart’s stream, which encompassed the whole mecha genre, Saturday’s Geek Gab episode featured a deep dive into my own Combat Frame XSeed series. Whether you’re a veteran XSeed reader or you’ve been waiting for a jumping on point, you won’t want to miss this episode.

Watch it here.

One lesson CY 40 Second Coming reinforced–and which we touched on during the stream and expanded on in the post-show–is the rapid emergence of neo-patronage as the future of art. They say once is a fluke, twice is a coincidence, and three times is proof. If that’s true, the fact that my three crowdfunded books are also my three most profitable books says something about the crowdfunding model.

That’s not to say Amazon isn’t still dominant by a wide margin. It’s just that making the big bucks there means either churning out paint-by-numbers fare for the whale market or setting yourself up as a lifestyle brand. I’m really not into Heinlein-derived mech stories, and I have no business giving life advice. Since I’m not about to write Headless Highlander Abs chick porn, either, I need to find a third way. Based on the data I’ve amassed over the last year, a blog-driven microecelebrity plus patronage approach looks like the way to go. We’ll see.

In the meantime, check out my third thrilling XSeed novel, CY 40 Second Coming!

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