Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Silver Lining

Looking at the following charts in light of salvation history, it’s hard not to see a divine hand in the West’s onrushing demographic winter.



Not only are atheists already a tiny minority, their ranks overwhelmingly consist of white men, whose numbers are steadily dwindling relative to the overall population.

If there’s any consolation to be found in the browning of America, it’s that it’s also the de-atheisting of America. And our smrt atheist friends have no one but themselves to blame:

It’s an old story. A people turn their backs on God, and He raises up their enemies to chastise them.

Europeans conquered Aztecs who performed industrial-scale human sacrifice; now the tables have turned as Europeans who perform industrial-scale human sacrifice are conquered by Aztecs.

I’m sure the fedora tippers will have great success plying the new majority with flying spaghetti monster memes.

Then again, they wouldn’t have to if Christians weren’t the better Darwinists.

Possibly related:

John Milton, Thomas Aquinas, Tom Clancy, and mecha walk into a bar …

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