We already knew that Conservatives couldn’t conserve the little girls’ room. Now, the South Dakota GOP proves they can’t even conserve little boys, full stop.
Legislation aimed at stopping South Dakota physicians from providing puberty blockers and gender confirmation surgery to transgender children under 16 failed to get enough support Monday in a Senate committee.
A Republican-dominated Senate committee voted 5-2 to kill the proposal, likely ensuring the issue won’t be considered by the Legislature again this year.
Proponents already had amended the bill to get rid of criminal charges for doctors who provide gender confirmation treatments, including puberty blockers, hormone therapy and surgery. But it would have allowed children to sue if they later regretted the treatments.
Before anyone chimes in with warnings about the slippery slope fallacy, note how the chemical and surgical castration of boys younger than 16 has been reframed by the Death Cult as health care. Even Fox News is paying lip service to the diabolical inversion of calling sterilization “gender confirmation”.
But some Republican senators and GOP Gov. Kristi Noem had expressed concerns and questioned whether the Legislature should be delving into the issue.
Here’s how far out of touch the GOP has veered from normal Americans in its mad dash to stay one step behind the Left: Stopping quacks and child abusers from mutilating young boys is now deemed an act of government overreach. Protecting kids from being turned into gelded freaks now violates the sacred Conservative principle of small government.
The vapid quislings in charge of the Republican party are not serious people. They do not stand in opposition to the Left. They are a soulless suicide cult bent on enabling the most twisted Death Cult enormities.
Conservatives may talk a good game about standing up for the principles of limited government enshrined in the Constitution. But not only has the government ballooned on their watch, what’s the point in shrinking government when you still allow that government to destroy the posterity the Framers intended to defend?
The Republican party no longer represents the posterity of America’s founders. They are nothing but coat holders for the Death Cult that is busily driving the United States over a cliff and into Gehenna.
If the American nation is to survive, GOP delenda est.
The actions of elected officals make more sense when you assume 90% of them are degenerates who are being blackmailed
Or demonically obsessed
The question is, by whom? Is it Jeffrey Epstein’s people?
Our rulers really are ivory tower elites who know nothing about the people they rule except that they hate us.
And are astoundingly incompetent and lazy yet have the temerity to demand we fawn over them for their gravitas.
They're midwits who can no longer perform the basic functions of government, but they've inherited staggering amounts of power which they will gleefully use to crush opposition.