number: XCD-104-2
name: Eschaton
deployment: CY 40
type: “1D” carbyne laminar armor
kg; top speed 3681 kph; maneuvering thrusters: 24, 180° turn time 0.60 seconds;
legs: top ground speed 200 kph
mounted in head; Vercingetorix laser targeting system
armaments: 3-tube missile pod, replaces upper left arm, can load high explosive, anti-armor, and other specialized ordnance
crossed on backpack, hand-carried in use; plasma carbine, power rated at 1.3 MW, barrel detaches to form plasma sword rated at 0.45 MW, hand-carried in use
Red’s XCD-104 XSeed Eschaton had suffered damage that reduced its combat performance below the acceptable threshold. To get his comrade back in fighting form and increase their collective chance of survival, CF tech Faust indulged in a flight of creative improvisation.
After fixing the damage to Eschaton’s drives, armor, and dynamic cloak, Faust took it upon himself to rectify the XSeed’s lack of ranged attack capability. He replaced the XCD-104’s missing upper left arm with a spare missile pod from his own XCD-103 Eisenpferd. The pod’s three tubes could be loaded with an assortment of specialized warheads, dramatically increasing Eschaton’s combat versatility. Faust and Red dubbed the upgraded CF the XCD-104-2 Eschaton Kai.
Despite these upgrades, Red still found himself at a disadvantage during the XSeeds’ rematch with the Grand Dolphs over Bigelow City. Wehrbund Bavaria pilot Ivan Eckhart helped Red even the odds by loaning him one of the two plasma carbines carried by his XCD-102 Emancipator. The significant boost in effectiveness afforded by the addition of ranged weapons convinced Red to never again pilot a CF without them–a decision which would have major repercussions.
See the Eschaton Kai in action! Read Combat Frame XSeed: Coalition Year 40 now!