

If Corona-chan has taught us anything, it's that our ruling class is woefully incapable of handling a crisis. While the current pandemic probably won't crash the whole system, our elites show no signs of having learned from their failure. To be an elite now is to be trapped in a…
The Beale Cipher

The Beale Cipher

The human drive to plumb the depths of mysteries has led to astonishing achievements. It has also driven untold souls to obsession, madness, and ruin. According to frontier legend, hunter Thomas J. Beale struck out from Bedford County, Virginia at the head of a thirty-man expedition headed west. Legend has…
Decision Time for Trump

Decision Time for Trump

A common form of hubris is the presumption that we can control everything. If we compile the best available data, put together an expert team, and devise the right plan, we can completely master our destiny. Then a turn of fate comes out of left field and throws a wrench…
Someone Was Watching

Someone Was Watching

His parents told him the strange noises coming from the wall vent were just the normal sounds of an old house settling. They said the sour smells were fumes from the nearby plant wafting through the drafty windows. They didn't believe him when he told them of finding chairs and…
A Hope that Burns

A Hope that Burns

A recurring theme of this blog is the need for good Christian men to throw their hats in the ring and produce culture to counter the Death Cult's influence. Providentially, friend of the blog Ben Zwycky has released a professionally produced song for our listening enjoyment. You can listen for…
Combat Frame Data: XCD-104-2

Combat Frame Data: XCD-104-2

XCD-104-2 Eschaton Kai Technical Data Model number: XCD-104-2 Code name: Eschaton Nickname: Eschaton Kai Classification: stealth attack combat frame Manufacturer: Browning Engineering Corporation design modified by Faust Hayden Operator: HALO First deployment: CY 40 Crew: 1 pilot in cockpit in chest Height: 18 meters Weight: 92 metric tons Armor type: ā€œ1Dā€ carbyne laminar armor Powerplant: cold fusion reactor, max output 2950 KW…
People Are Starting to Notice

People Are Starting to Notice

... that Generation Y and the Millennials are not the same demographic cohort, as Kent State found when they studied younger people in the work force. Many discussions of the post-1980 population lump everyone together and call them all Millennials. Increasing numbers of research studies, however, are recognizing that even…
The Cracks Are Showing

The Cracks Are Showing

The globalists that have made a serious bid for world dominance since WWII constructed a seemingly impregnable hegemony. However, you don't have to look all that closely to see that the cracks are showing. In California's 25th Congressional District, carnival barker Cenk Uygur not only failed to win Katie Hill's…
Window to the Past

Window to the Past

The inventors of television probably thought they were pioneering a revolutionary new communications medium. What they couldn't have suspected was that they were creating the next best thing to a time machine. Yesterday I stumbled across this compilation of TV commercials someone had taped on a Saturday morning that time…
Big Publisher 4 Sale

Big Publisher 4 Sale

Oldpub shouldn't get too cocky about newpub authors' recent sales dip, especially since the Big Five New York publishers are about to become the Big Four. ViacomCBS is preparing to sell its venerable publishing unit, Simon & Schuster, as the company re-evaluates all its assets in a fast-changing business landscape.…