… is not hyperbole when applied to Classical Liberals.
The question to ask whenever a Liberal argues for placing the conditional good of freedom above an objective good like life is, “Freedom to do what?” or “How does allowing this behavior help people cultivate virtue?”
Because it’s too late to grow in virtue when you’re dead.
But wait for it … Here comes the punchline.
Banning an actual death cult violates the NAP, statist! If you don’t let walking bioweapons sneeze in your eyes, the commies win!
In all seriousness, religious liberty was a truce reached between Christian denominations to help people who are in 99% agreement live peaceably together. It’s absurd to extend those terms to death cultists bent on the destruction of Christendom.
This is why Enlightenment thought is a spent force in the West. Liberalism–including Classical Liberalism–is a suicide pact in a world where no one else is playing by the Enlightenment rule book.
For a gripping vision of what that world’s post-future might look like, buy my military thriller Combat Frame XSeed now for just 99 cents!