Is now a triple #1 new release on Amazon.

My thorough takedown of the entertainment complex Death Cult is the #1 best seller in:
- Two-hour Politics and Social Sciences Short Reads
- Two-hour Religion and Spirituality Short Reads
and in a delightfully fitting turn,
- Blasphemy, Heresy, and Apostasy.
But I don’t bow tot he bandwagon effect, and I don’t expect you to, either. Here’s what folks who’ve read the book have to say:
In this book, Brian Niemeier explains an important fact about the entertainment industry (movies, TV, large book publishers, etc). If you are to the right of Stalin, believe that nuclear families are a good thing, and don’t think Christianity is the worst thing to ever happen to the world, the entertainment industry hates you.
Not “politely disagree with you”, not “doesn’t agree with you, but respects your right to have a different opinion”, but “actively hates you and wants you dead”.
Thus, every cent spent on big entertainment is a cent toward helping people who hate you. So what do you do? Become a hermit? Never have any entertainment in your life again?
The author explains ways you can still have quality entertainment in your life, without funding people who want you dead. This is an important read, both to understand the problem AND the solution.
Full Disclosure: I received an advance copy of this book to read and review
This is an excellent book detailing the deterioration of the current main stream writing in movies, television, comics, and books. The ratings for all are tending downward and the audience of people like us wonder why. Easy! These creators hate you! THIS book explains it in detail and shows what you can do to fight back. A magnificent read from a fine author.
Break free of the Cult. Reclaim your dignity. And have a blast while you’re at it. Buy Don’t Give Money to People Who Hate You now!
And yes, it is available in paperback!

Brian and fellow commentators,
Has anyone else had their review rejected?
For the first time ever, Amazon rejected my review of Brian's book.
There's no way to contact Amazon so I contacted my provincial representative to ask that the govt to investigate Amazon for possible violations of consumer protection laws for not having readily accesible contact information.
Outstanding! Congrats on your release and taking three categories!
Thanks! I couldn't have done it without you guys 🙂
Sweet! Just bought one Brian!
Thanks, Emmett!
I submitted my review yesterday (spoiler alert: I enjoyed it a lot), but it hasn't posted yet for some reason. I'm guessing it's Amazon's funky algorithm, but you never know. They do hate us after all.
I had more than 20 advance reviewers lined up at launch. Amazon only shows 4 reviews so far, and I know that others have submitted reviews that haven't shown up yet.
Amazon just does weird stuff with reviews. Every once in a while they'll pull reviews from several books in my catalog. Usually they put them back after a while. There's no rhyme or reason to it that I can see.
Happy St George day! Slay the dragon! buy books! Especially from your favourite (independent authours)
And save the princess of culture!
St. George, pray for us!
Excellent stream with Jon! Just caught up with it this morning and found this gem you referenced.
Tess Thompson asks people to recognize that she is a bigot, a racist, and a sexist. But, 'no offense'.
Far Verona Tabletop Play-acting drama revealed this:
Acting = #RobotCareer
Hope NPC Tess enjoys the rest of her #RobotCareer.
Honestly, how little self-respect does someone have to have to keep shelling out money for Disney movies?
She obviously doesn't want my money or attention either, so I will honor her choice to exclude me and skip whatever she is in. No offense.
Nice touch 😉
With Love and Thunder, I think they're trolling us. Jane Foster as Toxic Masculinity Girl! Also starring Valqueer-eye.
Huh. I could use a two-hour read right about now. Well then…
Thanks. Let me know what you think!
I skimmed a little on the bits I had read on the blog already. I would call it an excellent political or moral polemic. It's probably going to be most effective at firing up people who are already somewhat persuaded of the premise of the title; as such I think the very direct nature of the title serves the whole perfectly.
On the tangent of films, I just watched The Headhunter. It's like a perfect bit of high-energy rock and roll where instead of finishing the song the singer shrieks "ROCK AND ROLL IS DEAD! HIP HOP FOREVER!" then shoves the mike up his own rectum. The audience is left disappointed, somewhat confused, and wondering if they should send for some sort of medical assistance on his behalf. HOWEVER it shows how to make an intense fantasy film on a vanishingly small budget: make a horror film instead, and use all their tricks. DnD-ish fantasy is EMINENTLY suited to a well-written, tension-ratchet horror indie film. And the film itself is very good apart from the inexplicable, excrement-on-the-walls psychic break masquerading as an ending. Makes me wonder what a storyteller unafraid of genuine emotional commitment could do.
That's what the current state of entertainment has left us all wondering. Thank you for sharing your keen analysis!
You've hit the 17,000s in Kindle Paid Books overall, and #4 in Propaganda & Political Psychology–the top three slots are filled by various formats of a major new release from a major popular, and you're beating out Noam Chomsky at #5.
Heh. That's actually down from day 1, when it was #7185 overall & first in 2 categories 😉
I heard about your book on Geek Gab. You're spot on calling this SJW "movement" a death cult. It's a religion where the path to heaven is in how virtuous they can be. Eating their own, destroying others is encouraged and the one's that ring the alarm are rewarded.
I would like to talk to you about it in more detail on the Deadman's Tome podcast.
Let me know if you're interested.
It's always helpful to know how a reader heard about one of my books. Thanks for listening! Send me an email via the Contact link in the upper left sidebar of this blog.
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Been awhile since I posted here. Was notified of this book on John C. Wright's blog. Haven't bought it yet, but plan to soon. Just thought it was funny that one of the troll posters on Mr Wright's blog accuses you of 1: calling him either a witch or demon possessed and 2: having every aspect of pop culture wrong. My thinking the former is paranoia and the latter is projection on his part for he himself being dangerously wrong about pop culture. Keep fighting the good fight.
Welcome back! Your assessment is correct. Will do!