… Have mercy on us, Lord, and on the whole world.
Today we commemorate the sorrowful Passion and saving death of Our Lord Jesus Christ. As He emptied Himself of all for our sake, so we are called to purge ourselves of excessive worldly attachments.
Good Friday is a day of fasting and prayer that marks the end of the Lenten season. This Lent has been longer and more desolate than any in most people’s living memory. The Roman Empire occasioned the first. Now the Empire of China–historically viewed as the mirror image of Rome–has visited fresh sorrows upon us. Not the lease of which is the widespread withdrawal of Christ’s Eucharistic Presence.
All readers of this blog are encouraged to fast and pray today that the worldwide long Lent of the coronavirus be brought to a swift and merciful end. Pray that those currently afflicted with the disease receive complete healing, and pray that bereaved loved ones of those lost to the pandemic receive consolation.
St. Luke the beloved physician, St. Sebastian, and Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us!
Death where is your sting?
Fir the Lord our Saviour has conquered you and we are reconciled by His blood and Ressurection.