It’s heartening to see awareness of Deat Cult witchery spreading–if not into the mainstream, then into the larger counterculture.
That’s what made Steve Franssen’s dissection of Vice’s puff piece on a Millennial web cult so satisfying. The moment he lays eyes on cult leader’s bookshelf and realizes she’s an actual witch vindicates my warnings about the Death Cult, the Pop Cult, and witches in one fell swoop.
The venue chosen to promote the witch and her online cult is significant. Vice is another of those new media outfits founded by a conservative but co-opted by the Left. To differentiate themselves from the fake news pack, they offer slickly produced soft agitprop videos packaged as documentaries. The fact that even some in the counterculture buy the hype is a testament to the power of video.
Franssen proves himself much too canny for that, though. He nimbly cuts through the video producers’ technical legerdemain as well as the witch’s satanic delusions with lackadaisical ease.
His analysis rings true. What leads a young woman from middle America to dress up in rainbow robes and found a UFO religion? Chalk it up to feral Millennials raised without direction by Boomers lulled into an infantilized, permanently suggestible state by TV. The proof is in the Unicult’s consumerist doctrine of letting each member pick and choose their own doctrines.
Franssen is also correct in his contention that these are lost, damaged people who are to be pitied, not reviled. When every societal institution from the Church to the family utterly fails an entire generation, mass insanity is only to be expected.
That’s not to say these cultists are any less in thralldom to Satan. It is to say that the teachers in the academy, the Church, and their families charged with raising them in the truth are just as answerable for their idolatry.
The striking thing is just how banal Unicult’s creed is. It’s exactly the hodgepodge of warmed-over New Age ego worship and social justice cant you’d find in a Babylon Bee parody meme. Every day brings another orgy of evidence that when you don’t believe in God, you will indeed believe anything.
Franssen’s whole video is well worth an attentive watch for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the insanity gripping the West.
Now that you understand that the powers behind this witchery hate you, learn to stop giving them money!