Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Druckmann Getting Desperate

The Death Cultists behind the slow motion train wreck that is The Last of Us Part II tried plying outraged fans with the stick. Now they try the carrot.

That’s ubiquitous voice actor Troy Baker getting trotted out to shill this hate letter sold to fans as a game. Such obvious gaslighting is proof of LoU2 developer Neil Druckmann getting desperate.

The game journos deployed for the first round of damage control already called the series’ fans entitled babies and “predictable bastards”. Since vinegar failed to stem fans’ burning anger over the studio’s probably internal leaks, they’re now scrambling to douse the flames in honey.

But you know it’s a desperation play when even Naughty Dog’s coat holders in the games media admit the chosen shill’s financial interest.

Baker obviously has a lot of investment in the success of the game, but his words should make fans feel a bit better about the spoilers currently floating around. The Last of Us was a massive critical and commercial success, so everyone involved wants the final product to live-up to its predecessor.

How suddenly ethical!

The attempt to paper over Baker’s crass mercenary motive in that last sentence gives the game away. For starters, it’s a non sequitur that leads with a true statement to distract from the BS that follows.

No one is denying that the first game was a success. That’s exactly why its fans are duly upset that Neil Druckmann has ruined the sequel. That song and dance about everyone involved wanting the sequel to live up to its predecessor is gratuitous noise contradicted by the leaked evidence.

In his hamfisted bit of Twitter deflection above, Baker asserts that he IS Joel. Let’s take him at his word. A man who can be beaten by a tranny with a golf club and go crawling back while making excuses displays a severe case of battered spouse syndrome, among other things.

Druckmann’s desperate damage control does provide us with one useful service: an infallible test for thralls of the Pop Cult. Anybody who falls for Baker’s carnival barking should have all access to his bank accounts and car keys revoked for his own good.

Because it’s pathetic giving money to people who hate you.

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