Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Amicable Divorce

A while back, the Audacious Epigone ran the numbers on the issue of American secession. Here’s what emerged.

Graph by Audacious Epigone

AE’s comment:

There is no longer any racial, religious, moral, cultural, political, linguistic, or ethnic unity in the US as it is currently defined. The last remaining bond holding the thing together, beyond inertia, is economic expediency. It’s why talk of dissolution will begin in interest once the impending economic downturn hits. The Federal Reserve, with rates already under three percent, will be unable to stave it off.

It is as a nationalist that I support political dissolution. A nation requires a shared sense of the aforementioned characteristics. As currently constituted, the United States shares none of these things. It is not a nation. It is an empire comprised of several disparate nations inside of it. The empire must fall for those nations to flourish.

Cultural codependent David Atkins stands athwart the tracks yelling, “Stop, bigot! (don’t leave me)”:
Sorry to crush David’s hopes, but a) the Californication of America requires a continued influx of Hispanics and Asians and b) both of those groups favor secession in far larger numbers than whites. His best bet–and everyone’s–is to hope for an amicable divorce.
From the comments on AE’s piece:

Worse even if the left and foreigners /non complaints are expelled partition will be complicated by very different strains of Conservatism. I’m not interested nor will I tolerate a Neo Liberal economy if I have just fought to be rid of a liberal tyranny. Its just substituting State for Corporation 

I also don’t want would be theocrats , Deus Volt types deciding on laws I live under either. 

This means either a lot of negotiation or a lot of strife 

Its is still a better outcome than the Commies but its not easy, more of a last ditch effort to prevent hundreds of millions dead. 

The commenter’s desire to avoid a continent-scale bloodbath is admirable. His wish to have his cake and eat it too, i.e. casting off Neo-Liberalism while rejecting Christendom, is pure fantasy. It’s no coincidence that the advance of secular globalist Neo-Liberalism followed hot on the heels of widespread Western apostasy. The Left has gone from strength to strength while Conservatives wring their hands and posture about possibly thinking about looking into taking it under advisement to maybe do something after the next election. This is because the enemy has the confidence of their convictions, and our supposed leaders have neither confidence nor convictions.
Political and economic crises are collateral damage in the real battle between the West’s foundational Christian faith and an invading hysterical death cult. Republicans tried to slow the rate of spiritual attrition with appeals to normal Americans’ sense of disgust and the free market. They failed. Atomized individualists will fare no better with empty demands to be left alone to smoke and copulate according to their personal preferences.
The decision rapidly approaching us all comes down to a choice between eking out a wretched existence as despised tax cattle in a heathen tech-fiefdom or living in nations where public life is informed by Christian faith and morals.
You’d much rather live in the latter, I assure you. So would David Atkins.The last normal man leaving California will have to pry Dave off his ankle.

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