Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier


Until quite recently, there were still people who thought I was engaged in hyperbole by calling the malignant force that’s swept our institutions a Death Cult. If this weekend’s riots proved one thing to normal people, it’s the reality that there’s a militant legion of fanatics at enmity with them.

It’s also impossible to miss now that the main thrust of the enemy’s fury is directed against Christianity and Christians. Just check out this off-the-cuff tweet of mine that attained minor viral status. Pay special attention to the replies, where CogDis sufferers in ascending degrees of thralldom to the Cult came out of the woodwork to spout Reddit-level nonsense.

That none of them came within miles of a rational argument but instead read off items from an atheist bingo card isn’t the point. My tweet clearly and succinctly illustrated the truth that America was founded on Christian morality, and our rulers’ renunciation of that morality has plunged the nation into chaos. The Cult’s whole operation relies on hijacking Christian morality to browbeat Christians, so they couldn’t let a meme that gives their game away go unchallenged.

An interesting new development that popped up in the crossfire was the spectacle of self-confessed witches coming forward and letting their freak flags fly. I’ve had plenty of witches unwittingly self-test before, but never so openly as this:

What the witches’ newfound boldness tells me is that they no longer fear negative consequences for revealing their true motives. Conservatives over fifty could once be forgiven for assuming that the Left were sincerely wrong, but sincere nonetheless. The Cult’s endgame was always bringing down Christendom, even if it meant a suicide run. They only maintained the pretext of benign intentions to lull their victims long enough to gain power.

The mask hasn’t slipped; it’s been torn off. That means the witches are confident they’ve amassed enough power to fear no opposition. Like old pulp villains, they revel in unveiling their master plan, since they see no chance of anyone thwarting it.

In purely material terms, the witches’ bravado is justified. Consider the authorities who are supposed to be maintaining order. The mayor of Minneapolis is Cloud Land scion sent to administer the provinces in preparation for a career back in the imperial capital. His total lack of leadership in this crisis has made him the poster boy for Gen Y train wreck lava lamp syndrome.

It’s not just that our rulers are paralyzed with indecision. All law is ultimately about enforcing morality, and our elites’ submission to the Death Cult means that their morality condones the chaos. Death Cult dogma teaches that everyone is equal, except for straight, white, Christians who unconsciously wield diabolical powers which beguile and oppress everyone else.

Our leaders don’t quash the looting because they deem it just compensation for the victims of white Christians, who are oppressors receiving their due punishment.

Trump, for his part, is stuck in the “sincere but sincerely wrong” mindset regarding his enemies. It’s hard not to feel sorry for him. He’s like one of the last doctors trained in miasma theory and leechcraft after the discovery of germs.

Christians aren’t entirely blameless. We didn’t speak up when doing so had little cost, so now we have to speak up even though it now bears a heavy price.

One of my Twitter mutuals–a friendly nonbeliever–told me yesterday how shocked he is that every black legend canard hurled at the Church turns out to be false, yet Christians never push back against them.

Never discount the power of one dissenter willing to speak up and stand firm against the mob. You don’t have to be a master rhetorician or a great debater, but you no longer have the right or excuse to say nothing. Your forefathers bequeathed Christendom to you after winning it with blood, sweat, and prayer. Their patrimony is not yours to give away because you fear being called names.

The next time you come across a fedora tipper or internet witch spewing juvenile lies about the Inquisition or the Crusades, voice your dissent. You don’t have to change the cultists’ minds. Without a miracle, you can’t. But you likely will break their spell over many members of the audience.

The witches are not your moral superiors. You answer only to Christ, and if you fail to defend His bride for fear of men, you will answer to Him.

Learn how to defeat witches and reclaim your dignity!

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