A common illusion that many in the counterculture labor under is the notion that all we need to do is find the right political solution. Then the Death Cult with its riots and bizarre public rituals will be swept away, and America will go back to the high culture of the 80s or the 50s.
That scenario is no longer in the cards, if it ever was. If the latest round of race riots–and most people’s show of support for the organizations behind those riots–shows anything, it’s that a point of no return has been passed. There’s no going back.
The fact that we can’t go back to the golden age of the postwar boom economy shouldn’t really surprise anybody. America’s long summer afternoon was the result of myriad historical factors that converged to give us a break from history.
The most important of those factors–demographics and America’s Christian moral foundation–have been turned upside down. Even if Trump sent in the cavalry tomorrow, sent the agitators to Gitmo, and deported enough invaders to restore pre-1965 demographics, we’d end up right back here within a generation of him leaving office.
A commenter on yesterday’s post expressed concerns that, even if the US did enact an amicable divorce, Red America would set up a government based on the same Liberal errors and invite the same disaster.
I think that concern is well-founded. The Death Cult’s triumph was a century in the making, and their foremost tactic was always and everywhere to undermine Christianity. No sane person would accept the Cult’s nihilistic dogma in a Christian milieu, so step one was always to expel the Church from public life. In a spiritual void, people will cling to any source of morality and meaning, even if it’s batshit insane.
That’s why your normie friends and relatives are joining the megacorps in blacking out their Instagram avis. In the absence of Christianity, the Death Cult has seized the moral high ground. That means they get to dictate which behaviors are socially acceptable and which are forbidden.
It should be obvious that you can’t fight back with appeals to economics, but as of this righting you’ll find Conservatives on social media doggedly tilting at those old windmills. This tweet from Scott Greer pretty much says it all.
Some people will take this post as a black pill. A lot of folks who voted for Trump did so in the secret hope that the Man From the 80s would bring the 1980s back. The Witches aren’t the only cult people have turned to for meaning. You can be certain that the Q crowd will be scanning the horizon for the Storm long after Trump has left office.
What we’re really seeing is positive proof that Christianity is true, and social arrangements contrary to it are doomed to end in tears. The Church has always claimed to have the inside track on human nature, and those claims have panned out over 2000 years of history.
That means going through, not back, isn’t just the only way out of this mess; it’s the best way. Liberalism is dashing itself to death against the rock or reality. The smart play is to not interrupt the enemy’s mistake and at the same time, take a page from their book.
The Death Cult’s weakness is that it contains an internal paradox. People turn to it for meaning, but being nihilistic, it has no meaning to give. At best, it gives members a convenient bogeyman to vent their existential frustration at. The Cult rose to power by creating a spiritual void in America’s soul. Christians can likewise exploit the void that is the soul of the Death Cult.
Never forget that our enemies are the worst people on Earth, and sin dims the intellect. Right now, we’ve got a million little commissars each claiming to be his own pope–or in this case, Antichrist. A Cultist who demands that you change your Facebook avatar or publicly worship a particular demographic is applying the Cult’s version of the Witch Test. His aim is to exert moral authority over you. The answer is to reject his moral frame and administer the real Witch Test.
All of this is to say that the Church had the right idea when it came to re-evangelizing the culture. Most people–even nominal Christians–are now heretics, Witches, or just plain tractable heathens. We are commanded to make disciples of all nations. Charity starts at home, and the break’s over, so let’s roll up our sleeves and get back to work.
That doesn’t mean we can’t have fun, though. To get your hands on a sci fi series that’s both action-packed and eerily prophetic, support Combat Frame XSeed: S now on Indiegogo. All backers get the entire series in eBook, plus you can choose from a host of other collectible perks, so claim yours now!

So basically preach the gospel use memes if necessary.
Ok a question for actionable prescriptions:
How do you re evangelize the culture that lost its mind from diabolical anti rationalism? And seeks the evil, ugly and lies?
You stop worrying about being "preachy"–you stop hoping that you can subtly open people to worshipping the most offensive person in history–and ditch the memes. The Church is beautiful and eternal, whereas memes are vapid and transient. It's no accident that memes were favored by reddit atheists and that this is the guy who invented the word in the first place:
Uncleaver Hans.
That means to flood their emotions
with eal beauty it overwhelms them
So i have to buy: How art saved the Church, Beauty: what is is and Mike Aqulina's who the Catholic church saved civilization all by Sophia press.
Thanks I now have ideas to look into
I know that you're a writer, but we could use more musicians. This is what we're up against outside of America:
Definitely true.
Speaking of musicians, one and you might want to check out is the Dirt Poor Robins. I don't know if they're full into the moral conflict aspect of current year, but I think they're a great band and aren't shy about putting Chritian themes into their songs.
Point of clarification: What are tractable heathens? Do you mean heathens who are still reachable? Or, do you mean heathens who are heathens because they've gone with the flow too long and floated right out of the church and into functional apostasy?
The second one.
It's clear that there is no going back to the normal some of us grew up with. I admit though, I would not have predicted the acceleration rate of this Charley Foxtrot. It's running at ludicrous speed.
And the rate of increase is increasing.
The rate of change in acceleration is called a "jerk" or a "jolt".
How appropriate.
How do you propose we start sending missionaries to the dangerous Third World Utopian Country of Chaz?
The say way the Apostle themselves did: show up boldly proclaim the gospel and do good works.
And be confident because with God nothing's impossible
The last time someone tried something like CHAZ, a fellow named Lincoln sent missionaries dressed in nice blue uniforms. But that was back when secession was thought of as a bad thing.
I wish I had my book exposing Lincoln as a tyrant to make a blog post on but I leant it to a friend who was interested.
Gird your loins. We very likely will be future martyrs at this pace. And prepare your kids, for the sake of their souls.
Cardinal George's prophecy is rapidly coming to pass.
I don't want to be a martyr. I'm here to be a fighter. My battlefield, like Brian's it seems, is to be on the cultural front. But if God wills, there will be victory. And I hope it will help me escape damnation after death.
Viva Christus Rex!
Martyrdom usually comes from standing against the enemy, not surrendering to it. Fight we must – and I do hope a future Church addresses the wrong of pacifism towards evil when just war and self defense are rightly available to the believer – but the chastisement coming is akin to Israel being punished by Babylon. Blood will have to spill for the reparation of the frivolous sins committed by the formerly loyal nations of Christendom and Church.
I wonder what cataclysm is in store for us, given that the Jews spent seven decades in Babylon to give the land its Sabbath rest. Our sins are beyond counting. Our land is defiled with blood.
Kyrie eleison.
Christe eleison.
Kyrie eleison.
Forward, Soldiers of the Cross!
You're wuite right this a religious war. The tearing down of statues reminds me of iconclasim from the original ones to the Protestant and Moslems.
Instead of demolishing saint statues and burning churches the neo iconoclasts are tearing down the modern substitutes