There are those who rebuke me for indulging in hyperbole when I refer to the Left as a Death Cult. These critics cling to the ConInc narrative that the impetus behind the Left’s ravaging of America is communist ideology.
Our enemies, they insist, aren’t spiritually motivated. Instead, they’re effete losers who want to implement socialism so they can be issued swank living quarters where the High Party lives and move out of Mom’s basement.
What these folks need to understand is that naming our enemy the Death Cult is not hyperbole. There is no exaggeration in pointing out that they operate like a fanatical religion seeking to immanentize the eschaton.
People who still get most of their news from Fox or talk radio could be forgiven for missing these facts. But now, the latest round of race riots has cast the truth into razor-sharp relief.
Watch this video. Only the most oblivious would call that scene a mere political rally. Politics is the art of the possible. The kumbaya session depicted in the video cannot possibly stop the race riots. Nor are we seeing an ideological struggle session. Ideology seeks temporal ends.
No, what that video documents is a congregation engaged in public worship. It’s not a political rally. It’s a liturgy. The Cultists truly believe in the original sin of white privilege, and they have faith that the Death Cult’s sacraments can expiate it.
That’s why the rioters have been torching churches. An invading people with their own religion always desecrate the enemy’s temples to seal their conquest. Hence the media trotting out that old Judas James Martin on CNN. His job is to make the case for setting up the statue of Moloch in the sanctuary.
The relentless attack on Christianity staged by the Death Cult for the past fifty years is a backhanded compliment paid to the Church. They’re more keenly aware than most Christians of how great a threat the Church is to them.
One other thing that video proves is man’s need for religion. The Cult sold its bill of goods to secularists under the guise of atheism, but it’s now clear that the shiny, sexy utopia the fedora-tippers were promised isn’t coming. Many of the r/atheism crowd must know they’ve been had, but they continue to go along out of sheer inertia.
There’s a glimmer of hope here. Like all crises, spiritual crises present opportunities. People are hungry for God. The Death Cult first starved them by cutting them off from Jesus Christ, then swept in to fill the void they’d created. But their demonic anti-faith can’t satisfy the human need for meaning. No matter how many times they check their privilege, the Cultists can never be absolved of their racial guilt. They’ll forever be Untouchables in the Cult’s hierarchy without hope of salvation.
You beat a moral vision with a superior moral vision, and Christianity is the highest, most blindingly radiant moral vision ever revealed to man. The Cult wouldn’t have had to spend several decades and trillions of dollars obscuring that light otherwise.
Christians have a peerless tradition of moral sanctity, philosophical genius, and historical charity. We could spiritually wreck the Cult Clowns overnight if 1% of us grew a spine. So that’s what we’ll have to do. Don’t count on the out-of-touch and sometimes complicit hierarchy to swoop in and save the day. As has often been the case before, it’s up to the laity. That’s fitting, since it’s the laity’s vocation to consecrate the world to God.
So get out there and get consecrating.
You can start by rejecting the pop culture propaganda the Cult uses to proselytize. Don’t fund people who hate you, and make sure to support creators who want to entertain you.