With the latest round of race riots providing an orgy of evidence for everything I’ve said about the Death Cult, it’s no stretch to say that Witch hunting is in season. Since I disavow violence, unlike the Witches, the trials and sentencing will be conducted rhetorically.
That doesn’t mean engaging Witches in online debate. True to its name, the Death Cult has shown itself eager to destroy the country in the name of its impossible dogma. People who blame white supremacists, pander to BLM, or turn their avis black cannot be reached by argument. You shouldn’t interact with them beyond administering the Witch Test, screen capping the result, and blocking them.
The same goes, as far as is possible, for the rash of companies who’ve thrown in with the rioters against their own customers. It’s practically every corporation except for Wendy’s at this point, so boycotting all of them would take heroic effort. At the same time, complaining about corporate virtue signaling only serves to give them free advertising.
What should be done, then? It’s simple. Talk about these entities, not to them. Screen grabs and archiving are your best friends right now. Amass a compendium of blue checks failing the Witch Test and fried chicken restaurants unironically declaring their dependence on black lives. Calmly and respectfully present this evidence to normie family and friends who remain bluepilled.
The current crisis has handed counterculture dissidents our best chance to date of opening normal people’s eyes. Always remember that they are your audience, not the Witches.
Recently I sat down with Benjamin and Anthony of the Superversive Live Stream to discuss these and many other timely topics. Give it a watch!
Then check out this in-depth interview of yours truly conducted by my lovely and talented editor L. Jagi Lamplighter-Wright.
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