The phenomenon of left-wing roustabouts whipping up a social network hate mob against some blasphemer of the Narrative has become commonplace. The latest two-minutes hate target is Wendy’s. Their CEO contributed to the Trump campaign, so the Death Cult has issued a fatwa against his company.
Of course the boycott with backfire, just like the one against Chick-Fil-A. It’s easy to see why. Despite their media-exaggerated cultural footprint, dedicated Cultists are a minority–probably around twenty percent of the country. They also tend to be socially dysfunctional and childless, so it’s not like they patronize businesses that cater to families in the first place.
But the main reason the Cult’s boycotts blow up their faces is because they’re not really boycotts. If the Cultists’ main goal was to inflict financial harm on their targets, their high priests would issue an encyclical adding the offender to the Forbidden Index, and the faithful would quietly take their business elsewhere.
That’s not what we see with these Leftist boycotts. The show usually starts with some blue check publicly accusing the target of heresy. His followers start a hashtag for the occasion and get it trending. Soon, the bigger lefty blogs pick the story up. That leads to puff pieces in third-rate rags like The Daily Beast and Vice. If the story gets enough juice, it works its way to the top of the chain at MSNBC or CNN.
As Cultists who didn’t patronize the business to begin with preen online, the target gets free advertising every step of the way. What’s more, word that the other side is attacking some corporation filters down to Conservative circles. The blue-red binary kicks in, and our guys are rushing to the drive-thru chanting, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend!”
All of that is to say that the real point of these ostentatious lefty boycotts is to give rank-and-file Cultists the chance to publicly demonstrate their piety. Assuming they want anything concrete is a mistake.
It’s one of many mistakes the Right habitually commits when dealing with the Left. After all, if the enemy is a small minority of the population, why do they keep winning?
The short answer is that, while the Left may not understand the Right, they were cunning enough to hire mercenaries who did. That’s how you got fifth columnists like Bill Buckley ensconced at National Review making sure that anybody with effective tactics got drummed out of the movement.
Since at least the 70s, the Conservative movement has been hoodwinked by false leaders enforcing limits on public discourse that ensure their follower’ defeat. Their key mandate was sidelining moral arguments in favor of a laser focus on economics. We’re now reaping the bitter fruit of that sabotage.
The twofold fallacy instilled by the Right’s false shepherds is taking what the Left says at face value on one hand, or completely ignoring their statements on the other.
A good example is the replies to this tweet about reparations. It follows a familiar pattern. A lefty race hustler makes outlandish demands that Americans pay a Danegeld. On cue, Conservatives get up in arms over the economics.
That’s precisely the wrong response, and it’s exactly the way the hustler hopes you’ll respond. Like the high-profile boycott, the call for reparations is a public call to prayer. Protesting it just marks you as an infidel the Cult can rally against.
What the hustler has no answer for is someone calling his bluff. Imagine if, instead of blustering about moral hazard and misappropriation of funds, our guys responded like this:
RACE HUSTLER: Reparations is the only way to atone for America’s original sin of slavery!
DISSIDENT: My store is on fire, so I’m prepared to make a deal. I want the slate wiped clean. No more talk of white privilege. No more racial guilt. No more affirmative action. Give me a quote.
RACE HUSTLER: Hold on. You don’t get to ask for terms!
DISSIDENT: If both parties can’t discuss terms, it’s not a negotiation, it’s a shakedown. If you’re offering a path to racial healing instead of just grifting, give me a quote.
DISSIDENT: A one-time payment of fourteen trillion to wipe out the whole debt of racism for good? The feds just proved money is fake anyway, so sold!
RACE HUSTLER: Er, no. That’s just a start! As long as racism remains systemic and inherent in the concept of whiteness, the debt can never be wiped out!
DISSIDENT: Then you’re not asking for reparations like a neighbor, you’re demanding tribute like a conqueror. Good luck. You’ll need it.
Now, you’re not going to change the hustler’s mind. He remains committed to his grift. But that’s fine, because countless normies have just been clued into the fact that it is a grift.
The secret to dealing with the Left is to hear what they say but then look at the outcomes of their demands. Decades of preaching “Diversity is our strength!” have now left several major cities in flames. Don’t take these demands at face value, but don’t fall into the equal and opposite error of dismissing them outright. Instead, understand that Leftists’ public utterances are ritual sign-acts meant to advance the murderous aims of their Cult.
As always, don’t give money to people who hate you, and support works designed to entertain you–like Combat Frame XSeed: S!
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