Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Don’t Don the Devil Horns

Devil Horns

Wherein I lay out the morally and rhetorically correct response to the Death Cult’s demands for reparations.

From Twitter:


To recap: The Left isn’t after anything rational. They are a hysterical Death Cult motivated by moral posturing which reinforces their sense of identity. They reinforce the sense of moral superiority which underlies their identity by holding public morality plays wherein infidels are invited to don devil horns and caper about menacingly. The congregation then pelts the prancing Conservative devil with rotten fruit, frozen urine, and bike chains in an act of ritual solidarity much like burning the Devil in effigy.

The play’s script contains certain stock lines which the Conservative participant is expected to recite. These lines include, “My family didn’t come here until after the Civil War!” “Given the amount we’ve already spent on special programs for minorities, I say we call it even!” and “No reparations without repatriation!”

These ritual chants serve only to identify the speaker as a racist/bigot/Nazi, i.e. the Leftist Devil. They rally the Cult around the Evil One that they may identify themselves in opposition to him.

Conservatives have been well-conditioned to play their role in the Death Cult’s mystery play, as many of the replies to my thread demonstrate.

Thanks for volunteering, Your Malevolence!

I’d often wondered how, when the enemy consists of soyfat, limpwristed, Xanax-addled heathens, we could possibly be losing so badly.

Now I know. First, the lunatic-to-autist ratio between the two sides is pretty much at parity. Second, Conservatives have been so deeply conditioned by the Death Cult and their Con Inc. accomplices that red pilling them to the true nature of the game takes herculean effort.

Hearing a Leftist pontificate on the need for some kind of government action elicits a Pavlovian response from the Conservative. He will immediately descend into the policy-level weeds and obstinately stay there while the Left consolidates its hold on the moral high ground.

I thought I understood the strength of this conditioning, but the glut of responses that selectively ignored my insistence on keeping to the moral and rhetorical levels were mind-boggling. A lot of folks just wanted to debate policy even after being shown it was a dead end.

To explain this one more time, no one is making policy proposals. Nor is anyone talking economics, and to do so is an idiotic waste of time when the Death Cult is on the cusp of utter triumph.

The point is not to stop reparations. There is no stopping them now that the GOP has proven completely spineless.

Neither is the point to negotiate favorable reparation terms. That’s getting stuck on the policy level, which is where Conservatives have been for decades–just like the Left wants them.

Instead, think of the agree & amplify response to calls for reparations as a form of the Witch Test.

The Left wins by claiming the moral high ground. Thus, the way to beat them is by undercutting their moral authority.

When they say, “Give us reparations to atone for America’s original sin of racism!”

And you say, “OK, if that means the slate’s wiped clean and no more affirmative action, hate speech laws, or guilt-tripping white people in general, name your price.”

Their defining morality, which is founded on absolution for racism being impossible, will compel the Cultist to silence, or to admit that racism can never be atoned for.

And at that point, you’ve gotten the Cultist to admit that his call for reparations is based on a lie, and you take the moral high ground, and you win.

We need to win, get it?

Not bicker over percentages.

Not wring our hands over the national debt.

Not snark about Liberia.


No one cares if this approach seems suspect “to your mind.” Sperging over budget deficits is irrelevant. Unless you’ve come up with an anti-Death Cult weapon that’s as effective as the Witch Test or Don’t Give Money to People Who Hate You, stow your reservations and fight with the effective weapons graciously provided to you.

Or get ready to wash the feet.

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