Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

What They Do in Darkness

Mister Metokur‘s good friend Mister Anti-Bully has become the latest high-profile victim of the renewed social media purge.

Given the account’s outspoken proclivities, its termination isn’t exactly a mystery. What does raise questions is the timing.

Mister Anti-Bully survived Twitter’s previous purges aimed at suppressing the spread of “misinformation” pertaining to the coromavirus pandemic, even though Jim’s friend lambasted China, the WHO, and the CDC on a pretty much hourly basis. If they wanted to ban him, why not do it then?

A better question might be, if his tweets contra the official Covid narrative weren’t enough to get him banned, what did he say that Twitter wants hushed up even more?

Most folks in the counterculture will point to the imminent elections as the rationale behind Jim’s friend’s suspension. The problem with that theory is that neither Jim nor his friend have ever really banged the drum for Trump.

Jim did say many times that Trump’s election humiliated Big Tech, and that they were determined to prevent a repeat of 2016.

Strangely enough, the reason for Mister Anti-Bully’s banning may be related to events that occurred in 2016, but not the elections.

What else happened in 2016 that our tech oligarchs are even more desperate to stuff down the memory hole? What do they do in darkness that they can’t have brought to light?

Here’s a hint:

Here’s some context.

A SATANIC human sacrifice has been staged in the grounds of the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (Cern), the home of the Large Hadron Collider.

The footage shows a cloaked group wearing long, flowing black robes – and one appears to have hiking boots on underneath.

They are seen walking around, before a woman moves onto the floor and is ‘stabbed’.

But the footage appears to have been recorded as part of a prank by scientists at Europe’s top physics lab.

Cern claims the ritual was simply researchers and scientists coming to work at the facility “taking their sense of humour too far.”

Apparently WAY too far …

“So it turns out the origin of the video posted for the sacrifice at CERN has been found – the problem is, the man is dead. Now hoax or no hoax, let me remind you all we have seen this before and we know all that expose this evil are killed or made to disappear.”

Much like MisterAntiBully’s account, which had recently tweeted the CERN story and accompanying video.

The Death Cult has co-opted all earthly institutions, and they hate you. Learn how to starve the beast and have fun in the process.

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