Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

A Diabolical Heresy

In case you still entertained any doubts that Liberalism–even Classical Liberalism–is a diabolical heresy fundamentally incompatible with Christianity, consider the following Twitter exchange:

Behold the mental pretzel into which a self-described Christian must twist himself to accommodate the contradictory propositions that a) the true final end of human liberty is salvation in Christ, yet b) the exercise of liberty must sanction a range of human behavior up to and including the commission of evil.

Not incidentally, in no moral universe does the statement, “We have the ‘right’ to sin,” follow from the declaration, “I am Christian.”

My interlocutor’s fatal error is the false assumption that in order to be be free, the human will must be free to choose evil. Holding such a position betrays his ignorance of what freedom and will mean.

A being is most free when it can act unimpeded according to its nature. Evil is that which is contrary to nature. Therefore choosing evil makes one less free, not more free.

It’s fascinating how binary thinkers who reduce the range of free choice to a false good-evil dichotomy never consider that a choice between two goods isn’t just a free choice, but is a more perfect exercise of liberty than choosing between good and evil.

Also, asserting the allowance to choose evil without coercion is rather at odds with insisting that evildoers should receive the due wages of sin. God is certainly not a Liberal, if the Ten Commandments are any indication.

As for allowing one’s neighbor to choose the shallow grave, his ability to make that choice is implied by the mere fact of his free will, regardless of which system of government he lives under.

The problem, as we’ve seen demonstrated in recent months, is that our neighbor’s choice of the shallow grave all too often lands us there beside him as well.

Don’t fall for the satanic lie of Liberalism, and don’t give money to people who hate you

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