Multiple data points are resolving into a picture that looks bad for Joe Biden.

From Zero Hedge:
A Pew Research Center poll that’s already a month old (and a lot happened since) concluded that violent crime is a major issue according to 59% of voters (almost as much as coronavirus): 74% of Republicans and 46% of Democrats. But during the DNC, held after the poll was already out, the issue wasn’t addressed at all. Democrats talked about police violence, but not riot violence.
The Democrats can’t talk about the riots because they support them, which is likely contributing to the erosion of public support for them detailed below.
At this week’s RNC, this situation is -of course- very different. The DNC pushes the GOP into the role of the party of law and order, and they’re all too willing to take up that role. But I was wondering about something else, or “bigger”, this morning. That is, Joe Biden et al are very light on policies, because in their view their most important issue is to get people to vote *against* Donald Trump, rather than *for* Biden.
And I’m thinking maybe that’s starting to boomerang, to blow up in their faces, whether perhaps people are beginning to lean towards NOT voting for Joe Biden, instead of NOT voting for Donald Trump, “at any cost”. In that context, it appears telling that according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll, Biden saw no “convention poll bounce” in his numbers after the DNC, while ironically, Trump did.
The dichotomy between the DNC and RNC productions is a stark illustration of the cultural, ideological, and spiritual divide between America and its demented ruling class. What looks normal to the latter comes off like an insurance company diversity training seminar to normal people.
Just a month and a half ago, Rasmussen Reports had Joe Biden 10-points ahead of President Donald Trump in the polls. Now he’s only ahead by one point, within the margin of error. Even if Biden’s now-slim lead in the polls were to remain frozen as of today, Trump would still have a clear path to an electoral college victory, as Hillary Clinton lead Trump in the popular vote by just over two points in the 2016 election. While it is impossible to know the exact reason (or reasons) for Biden’s polling collapse, it comes as the economy continues to rebound from the coronavirus, riots continue to ravage liberal run cities longer than anyone expected (to no condemnation from Joe Biden and Kamala Harris)..
[..] Rasmussen was among the closest mainstream pollster in approximating the popular vote in the 2016 election. Rasmussen had Hillary Clinton up 1.7 points over Trump on election day 2016, while she ended up winning the popular vote by 2.1 points above him (48.2% vs. 46.1%). The Real Clear Politics average of polls had Hillary up for six points. Unlike the other polls, Rasmussen correctly saw Trump had a path to victory in the electoral college.
Once again, the ineptitude and sheer weirdness of Trump’s enemies has proven to be his greatest asset. Cutting legal immigration in half and completing 300 miles of border barrier haven’t hurt, either.
Meanwhile, smart, quick action on our guys’ part has turned the Kyle Rittenhouse case into a godsend for law and order conservatives. The smartest thing Trump could do would be to pardon Kyle on national television, award him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and gift him a brand new gamer chair.
Until then, you can contribute to Kyle’s defense fund here.
I have one correction: Instead of the gamer chair, Trump should give the kid, and every single member of his immediate family, a really nice AR-15 to replace the one he used the other night, because that will be locked up as evidence until The Last Trumpet sounds.
A Crusader AR-15 no less.
They've offended CAIR, so they must be doing something right.
Trump and James just took a lead in Michigan.
We could be witnessing a repeat of Dallas 2016.
If BLM hands trump the victory twice, it will be proof of the Lord's sense of humor.
Be prepared, because the hilarious irony of evil is coming around again.
Not only did they give him a proven winning issue to run on (welcome back 1968), they nominated a potted plant for him to run against. They couldn't screw this up more if Trump had a mole running the DNC.
And they are moving AGAINST law-and-order in their own territories, during a spate of riots. Trump pretty much can't lose at this point.
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Hillary's supporters thought that about her, in 2016.
Living through their temper tantrum has been a truly unpleasant experience. I honestly don't which would be worse this coming November – them being sore losers, or them being sore winners – or even whether there will be much of a difference.
Unless Trump wins an outright landslide in the electoral college, Biden and Harris won't concede. In that case, expect a protracted legal battle that will make impeachment look like traffic court.
The Left always tips their hand whenever they accuse their opponents of some shenanigans.
I don't know if they are trying to start a civil war or are just blundering into one. If the folks who voted for Trump (and will surely do so again) feel cheated out of an election victory, they will never trust the democratic process again. If that happens, all bets are off.
I think it may be a little of both. I think the elite at the top are using the angry, easily steered folks at the bottom against the middle, and not really expecting forceful resistance because there hasn't been much so far. I was going to say the folks at the top want the war while their shock troops at the bottom are blundering into it, but on reflection, it may be the reverse. The shock troops are revolutionary socialists, so they probably want to trigger a messy revolution they expect to win. The folks visible at the top are so drunk on power they can't see straight, much less do something as calculated as start a war.
This is the strangest year.
There is a certain poetry in the fact that everything seems to be twisting sideways and into focus in the year of Our Lord 20/20.
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Today I added my Amazon review of Don't Give Money… Not sure why I put it off but now that the sports world got AIDS, it prompted me to write.
Many thanks, Scott!