Straight, white, Christian Americans who still cling to the fiction that their citizenship affords them rights and protections against the mob and the state would do well to heed the words of the Z Man:
This is Jim Snow America. A white kid following the rules is guilty, no matter what the facts say, so he sits in prison. His family started a defense fund on Go Fund Me, but it was immediately taken down. Again, in Jim Snow America, whites are not allowed to avail themselves of the resources for self-defense. The system will now wage war on this kid’s family in order to prevent them from defending their son. In Jim Snow America, white people just have to take it.
It is an infuriating reality, for sure. In a better world, the mayor of Kenosha would already be swinging from a tree. The good people of that city would have remembered the words of Jefferson and fertilized their tree of liberty. Of course, in a sane society, it would never have come to this. There would be no riots sponsored by the ruling class, so Kyle Rittenhouse would not have felt the need to go out in the streets. The reason all of this happened is the rulers made it happen.
As infuriating as it may be, it is this reality that must shine through. Those old rules you were taught about the law and your rights as an America no longer exist. They certainly don’t exist if you are white. If you are white, the system sees you as an enemy and will spare no expense in attacking you. The reason Kyle Rittenhouse sits in jail is no one told him this. Instead, internet warriors playing tough guy on-line encouraged him to be a man of action.
This is why people who like saying “well, at least he is doing something” need to be shouted down at every opportunity. These are people who think every cause needs martyrs, just as long as they are not the martyr, so they encourage everyone else to be foolishly brave. Like James Fields, we have another naive and impressionable young white man facing life in a cage, because he was convinced that doing something is always better than doing nothing.
This is just one aspect of a larger point that white people need to grasp. None of this would be happening if not for the political class. The Kenosha police department has tanks and armored vehicles. They have highly trained tactical units that are trained by Israel special forces officers. The Kenosha police force could invade a small country, but they are nowhere to be found during these riots. The reason they are absent is the politicians have ordered them to let the riots rage.
Savage mobs continue burning down American cities because America’s ruling class considers the riots morally good. They are so culturally and spiritually divorced from their subjects that they don’t consider billions of dollars in property damage and the loss of untold precious lives a problem to be solved. For the Death Cult, mayhem inflicted on innocent people is the solution.
As for Jefferson’s tree of liberty, in the end it turned out to bear the evil fruit that expelled Americans from the earthly paradise they built. Founding a society on a freedom-based ethos is no more coherent than basing a societal ethos on money.
Freedom of religion in particular was a poison pill that has left Christians politically disarmed against hostile parallel creeds. It’s no accident that the Death Cult’s zealots are targeting churches and conducting street inquisitions to ferret out Christians.
The enemy has the media, the courts, and the banks on their side. The only way we will be able to surmount those overwhelming advantages is by taking God’s side, and then we will be invincible. For if God is with us, who can be against us?
Learn how to break free of the Cult and reclaim your dignity.