Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Backwards Men

What’s striking about the recent announcement of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death is the relative calm in its wake. The news broke on Friday night, and Lefties threw the expected fit on social media, but the weekend passed without any more street violence than usual.

Perhaps all the false alarms pertaining to the status of RBG’s corpse these past few years desensitized the public to the real event. The initial shock soon gave way to rampant speculation about what happens next.

Moderates were quick to downplay the likelihood of Trump getting a third Justice confirmed by the end of his term, owing to Mitch McConnell’s refusal to hold hearings on Merrick Garland before the 2016 election. Those concerns were quickly dispelled, with McConnell declaring that the senate will vote on Trump’s nominee.

And if the vote were held today, a generic nominee would be confirmed.

To no one’s surprise, Leftists have responded with the customary threats of insurrection and mayhem.

Surprisingly, republicans have resisted this political extortion so far–probably because they know the Left will continue to riot in the streets and play dirty tricks in Washington no matter what happens.

Talk in Conservative circles has now turned to Trump’s choice of nominee. The establishment want him to appoint a woman. The Christian base despised by the establishment want somebody who’s tough on infanticide.

Highly respected pundits are warning the plebs not to get our hopes up on that count.

The, “Overturning Roe is unpopular, so we shouldn’t appoint a social conservative,” canard jibes with the GOPe’s thought process, so Trump’s advisors are probably plying him with that argument. Its absurdity doesn’t occur to them. They are backwards men from Bizarro World, where the only way to win is to lose.

It’s become SCOTUS’s sole legal function to impose unpopular edicts on the American people. The Left habitually rams their agenda through by judicial fiat precisely because they know Conservatives won’t do anything to stop it. They also embrace a fact of human nature that the Libertarian infection has erased from Conservatives’ minds. Laws do in fact dictate public morality.

Consider gay marriage. Within the lifetime of most people reading this, the idea of two men tying the knot went from a crass joke to a sacred institution you can get fired for disrespecting.

Note that the rise in popular support for gay marriage accelerated when democrats started legalizing it through the courts at the state level. Even republican support for butt nuptials surged after Obergfell.

SCOTUS justices serve for life and are practically impossible to remove. If republicans who claim to support pro-life constituents were serious about ending abortion, they’d appoint justices who could be counted on to overturn Roe, and that would be it.

Instead, they wring their hands over what their nominal enemies will think and try to meet people who want them dead halfway.

The truth is, you win by changing the law first, and public opinion will follow. The Left understands this fact. Republicans need to cast off their Libertarian accretions if they ever want to actually solve a problem.

Good Message!

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