Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

It Was Under the Bed

Ouija Board

 A reader who wishes to remain anonymous writes in with a personal tale of high strangeness.

First, I don’t usually believe when people tell me about their paranormal experiences.  I’ve known so many people who clearly bullshit and lie about things that never really happened (or at least I highly doubt they happened).  I’m not saying everyone’s a liar, but in today’s age with the popularity of horror movies and paranormal “reality” TV shows, it’s only natural for so many people to make things up that never happened.  Since I have this mindset, I never expect belief from the few people I talk to about these things; a) I have no proof  b) I write horror stories and compose scary music, so it just looks like it’s something I’m making up if I were to tell someone.

With that all being said, I’m going to share this story.  And it has a lot to do with Christianity and the demonic side of things.

To begin with, I was raised in a Catholic household since birth.  However, during my late teenage years I started to doubt the existence of God and wondered if I was just worshipping an unresponsive nothing.  Over time I became bitter and resentful.  As can unfortunately happen with so many young, confused, impressionable minds these days, I was introduced to the concept of the Ouija Board.  At the time, I thought that it sounded interesting and wondered if it could give me an answer since I thought God clearly didn’t exist or was ignoring me.  So, I eventually acquired one.  Though my intentions were good, I had no idea what I was getting into.  As stupid as this may sound, my goal was to somehow ask “the spirits” to wreak havoc on all of the corrupt elite around the world and bring an end to their influence.  But you see, when I set everything up according to the directions, nothing ever happened.  I tried and I tried harder.  Still, nothing happened.  Eventually I gave up on the thing and believed it was just as fake as God.  I left the Ouija Board underneath my bed (where I kept a lot of useless junk).  The board sat there for nearly three years.

Over the next few years I gained a better understanding of the world and returned to Christianity.  In addition to that, I became aware of the Luciferian influence on society by the entertainment industry, politicians, etc.  One night, my younger brother and I were having a philosophical conversation.  It was late during the evening, but at one point we started talking about how Satanism does manifest in even far-right, obscure groups.  I told him about how they incorporate a philosophy known as “The Left-Hand Path”, which is basically an extremely individualistic, hedonistic, selfish life.  During this conversation, I remembered the board was underneath my bed and I started staring at it (I was sitting on the floor during the conversation).  I almost became in this trance-like state and the board’s box appeared to move on its own.  Before I was aware, this invisible force of unpleasantness and fear lunged out at me.  I don’t really know how to describe it, other than I “felt” it and “heard” it.  It scared the shit out of me and I immediately jumped up.  My brother wanted to know what the hell happened, so I quickly told him.  That night, we ended up taking the board and throwing it in a trashcan outside.

This is what I’ve taken away from the experience: Although I thought my intentions were good initially when I bought the board, nothing ever happened with it.  Why?  Because evil doesn’t need to attack evil.  I was essentially saying to a demon “Hey, could you please kill these really evil people that are ruining the world?”  Of course nothing happened!  My own soul was in a very dark and dangerous place during that time – the demon didn’t need to do anything.  But why did I experience something many years later when I had forgotten about the board altogether and abandoned such silly and immoral beliefs?  Because I had clearly become a different person and was being guided by Christ.  I also think due to the subject of the conversation I was having with my brother, something demonic felt the need to try to attack me.

Anyway, believe it or not.  Take from it what you will.  This was the most realistic paranormal experience I’ve ever had.

In case you needed more evidence why playing with Ouija boards is a bad idea, Anon’s story aptly illustrates the disordered desire for control that motivates attempts to invoke such forces.

God is in control of all. He grants us mastery of our individual destinies within limits, and efforts to impose our will beyond those limits are dangerously prideful.

There are powers that lie in wait to take advantage of that pride. Those powers mean us harm, and dabbling with a Ouija board is akin to laying out the welcome mat for them.

God’s mercy is the white pill, which He graciously dispensed to Anon. We can and should be thankful for his conversion. 

Take warning, though, that willingly indulging in sin with the presumption of that mercy is no less prideful.

It’s really hard to find these days someone who’s willing to be brave enough to write about these subjects without measuring words, without trying to “not offend anyone”. The author really manages to capture the dark intentions behind not only Hollywood but of big companies in general.

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