MC4I-04D Tyrant Manticore
Technical Data
Model number: MC4I-04D
Code name: Tyrant Manticore
Classification: Mass production long range indirect fire support/air defense artillery/dedicated Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I) platform
Manufacturer: Colonial Defense License Design
Operator: Extrasolar Colony Defense
First deployment: CY 84
Crew: 1 Pilot/gunner, 1 dedicated electronics specialist/assistant gunner, 2 onboard Gremlin AI
Size: Length 58.3 m, width 32.8 m, height 14.2 m
Weight: Dry weight 108 metric tons, full weight 187 metric tons
Armor type: Palladium glass microalloy/carbon-titanium composite
Powerplant: Cold fusion reactor, maximum output 3020 KW
Propulsion: 8x anti-gravity field generators; 4x rocket thrusters, output 24,750 kg; top speed at ground level 300 kph, top vacuum speed 480 kph; 4x legs, top ground speed 180 kph
Sensors: Radar, thermal, optical array, gravitational sensor array, subatomic particle detector array, electromagnetic sensor array
Fixed armaments: x4 magazine fed missile pod, can fire x15 Multiple Target Class Combat Frame Based Missile or x3 Heavy Anti-Material Long Range Guided Missile III simultaneously, magazine-fed, each pod’s magazine can store up to x60 MTCCFBM or x15 HAMLRGMIII; x6 point defense laser, output rated at 100 KW; x2 plasma cannon, output rated at 200 MW, x1 maser cannon, output rated at 100MW
Special Equipment: Ion field generator, radius 30 meters; x2 electronic warfare array; x3 MT-05 Goshawk Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) drones; x2 Gremlin Cyberwarfare A.I.
General Notes
The MC4I-04D Tyrant Manticore was the final component of the Wild Hunt weapons triad. This deadly machine was an improvement over the original MC4I-03 Manticore in almost every way. The Tyrant Manticore boasted a markedly improved power plant over the original, anemic design: a vital necessity to power its other advancements. The previous design’s legs, while retained as a backup drive, were operationally replaced by an anti-gravity drive and rocket thrusters added to make it capable of engaging in spaceborne operations. The MC41-03’s point-defense lasers were retained, but the Tyrant Manticore mounted a twin 200 MW plasma cannon and single 100 MW maser cannon in place of its original dual 400 KW anti-vehicle lasers. The MT-18 Hunter Hawks were replaced with MT-05 Goshawks, delivering on a similar mission set but with significant upgrades to range and stealth. In short, advances in materials and technology enabled the Tyrant Manticore to greatly expand upon the capabilities of the initial Manticore.
The Tyrant Manticores used the same ammunition system from previous generations of lighter, more numerous MTCCFBM and heavier HAMLRGMIII missiles, but advances in technology meant that each missile carried several times the yield of prior iterations and had significantly better range. Every warhead was a plasma fusion reactor that could be programmed to go critical in a specific manner. Accordingly, each missile could provide an area of effect attack, form a directed armor penetrating plasma jet, create an EMP burst, or create an impromptu nebula of hot gasses to obscure sensors and impair visuals. The missile launchers used by Goblins and Goblin Kings were designed to carry MTCCFBM missiles, simplifying the production and logistical situation of each colony.
Cyberwarfare had been the primary role of the original MC41-03 Manticore. The particular nature of the Ynzu precluded hacking, thereby necessitating a change in operational strategy in order to retain a similar role in the new war. The venerable Gremlins were repurposed from malicious hacking A.I.s to cunning monitors of cyberspace. These AI..s refocused their efforts on filtering data, performing artillery calculations, and ensuring that commanders were kept apprised of changes on the ever-evolving battlefield of CY98.
A key improvement on the Hunter Hawk drones were the MT-05 Goshawks. Mass shadow generators incorporated within their design allowed them to create phantom gravitic signatures on the battlefield in any combination or array they desired. While the Ynzu were nigh un-hackable due to the utterly alien architecture of their CF designs, their sensors were still vulnerable to being spoofed. Goshawks allowed the Wild Hunt to fill the electromagnetic spectrum with a mass of white noise and junk data, rendering it impossible for an inexperienced eye to discern illusion from reality.
Deployed in sections of three, the Tyrant Manticores granted each Wild Hunt a deadly combination of cyberwarfare, independent surveillance and reconnaissance, and indirect firepower that enabled them to demolish immobile, bulky enemy formations.