Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier


BananAmerica 2020


Rarely do I quote myself on this blog, but in this case, I think it’s warranted. On this year’s anniversary of 9-11, I wrote:

Those mail-in ballots are the key. Far more Democrats than Republicans–a majority, in fact–plan to vote by mail. Most of those ballots will not be counted until after election night, thus inviting two likely scenarios:

  1. Trump appears to win on election night, since he’ll get most of his votes at the ballot box. But mail-in ballots counted over the following days flip the race to Biden.
  2. Trump does in fact win on election night, but Democrat apparatchiks conveniently keep finding mail-in ballots until Biden snatches away the victory. As AE points out in the article linked above, the fact that most Republicans will vote on election day will tell the Democrats exactly how many votes they need to fake to beat Trump.

In either event, the Party have their Big Tech hatchet men prepping the public for a contested election and the massive, nationwide unrest that’s likely to result. Zuckerberg and Dorsey’s job will be to silence Trump and his supporters, ensuring that the MSM’s narrative dominates.

Welcome to BananAmerica. 

That was two months ago. Now, to the surprise of no one who was paying attention:

While Donald Trump amassed huge, seemingly insurmountable leads in key states across the country, Democratic officials went quiet in their cities, releasing no results until it was clear exactly how many they would need to win. And then, like a cascade, they poured out the numbers on Wednesday morning, claiming staggering early-vote margins that washed away the president’s lead in state after state.

Democrats have terrible policies for America, but give them credit for one thing: They know when to count their ballots.

In his razor-thin win in the 1960 presidential election, John F. Kennedy carried Illinois by less than ten thousand votes out of 4.7 million cast. Kennedy’s narrow victory was enabled by Chicago Mayor Richard Daley’s political machine. An investigative journalist found anomalies such as 56 votes cast from a single house, votes by the dead, and other stunts like swapping cash for votes. Following the election, three members of that machine were sent to jail for voter fraud activities, and more than 600 others were indicted before being acquitted by a judge allied to Daley.

Now, the same stunt is being pulled, on a far grander scale. The con was in the works long before Election Day. For months beforehand, the press bombarded the public with bogus polls showing huge leads for Biden in almost every swing state. On election night, these worthless polls were exposed, but they were still used by the press to justify not calling states for Trump. Now, they will be used to justify dramatic last-second swings into the Democratic column.

The left always telegraphs exactly what they plan to do. This time, they used mail-in voting as a smokescreen to spread the meme of a red mirage as outlined above, giving them cover to fake ballots. Folks in the know warned that the Dems would employ their patented Cook County strategy on a national scale. 

That’s what we saw overnight, as the in-person vote gave Trump big leads in key states. Election officials in Democrat-controlled areas conveniently stopped counting votes once they knew the margin of victory. Today, even more conveniently, they’ve produced exactly enough absentee ballots to flip Trump’s leads to Biden.

The banana republic behavior on the part of Democrats is unsurprising. They’ve been at it since at least 1960. But there’s no word for the GOP establishment’s failure to act on the many, urgent, and now correct warnings of vote fraud than complicity.

Trump, to his credit, knows better.

Frankly, We did win this election…

This is a major fraud on our nation… We’ll be going to the U.S. Supreme Court.

We want all voting to stop. We don’t want them to find any ballots at 4 o’clock in the morning.

Prioritizing the confirmation of his third SCOTUS pick now looks prescient on Trump’s part. We are now likely in for a replay of the 2000 election circus, but orders of magnitude larger. For the indefinite future, it would be smart to avoid crowds.

Whatever the result of the courtroom battle royale that will soon ravage the country, one conclusion is inescapable: The United States of America as conceived in 1776 is over. Perhaps it has been for a long time. The depraved oligarchs who feign to rule us have taken the final plunge into naked tyranny and lost the Mandate of Heaven. Their misrule is not law. Fear of reprisal is now the only reason to heed it.

The first big steps

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