MCF-123 XSeed Marine
Technical Data
Model number: MCF-123
Code name: XSeed Marine
Nickname: Marine
Classification: mass production heavy assault combat frame
Manufacturer: UC Arms
Operator: UC Marine Corps
First deployment: CY 81
Crew: 1 pilot in cockpit in chest
Height: 19 meters
Weight: dry weight 95 metric tons, full weight 145 metric tons
Armor type: “1D” carbyne laminar armor
Powerplant: cold fusion reactor, max output 2700 KW
Propulsion: EM impellers: 2x 104,800 kg, 4x 36,615 kg, 4x 15,785 kg, top speed 2800 kph; maneuvering impellers: 20, 180° turn time 0.83 seconds; legs: top ground speed 190 kph, gyro-balanced for ground use
Sensors: gravitic, radar, thermal, optical array; main binocular cameras mounted in head
Fixed armaments: x2 plasma sword, stored in recharge racks on back, output rated at 0.58 MW
Standard hand armaments: heavy plasma rifle: output rated at 3 MW, magazine or internal capacitor-fed, each magazine holds 40 charges; carbyne kite shield: stored on left pauldron clip, attaches to either arm in use
Optional ranged armaments: 3-tube missile pod: attaches to right pauldron, can load high explosive, anti-armor, and other specialized ordnance; x2 3-tube micro missile pod: attaches to legs, loads spray missiles, anti-beam cloud missiles, “chaff” missiles, or any combination thereof
Special Equipment: ion field projector
General Notes
The MCF-123 was the second of two original BEC One-Series XSeeds to be picked up for mass-production by the UC military. Like the MCF-122 XSeed Emancipator, the MCF-123 was chosen based on the success of its predecessor, the XCD-103 Eisenpferd.
Unlike Emancipator, Eisenpferd excelled at only one mission profile: totally flattening the enemy. As such, the XCD-103 design was handpicked by the UC Marines as the basis of their standard-issue CF.
Although the official UC Armory was tasked with handling all production on the new XSeed, they were also charged with a strict mandate to come in under budget. Once again, the military turned to Browning Corp with the twofold mission of updating the unit’s design while keeping the government’s purse strings tight.
BEC launched a detailed study of the original XCD-103 design. Their goal was to trim features made redundant by the new unit’s squad-based deployment profile while retaining its legendary hardiness on the battlefield.
The BEC/UCA engineering team’s first step was to remove half of Eisenpferd’s missile hardpoints, leaving one standard missile launcher and two micro-missile launchers with three tubes each. They also removed the largely obsolete twin shoulder Vulcans to reduce weight. Eisenpferd’s heavily reinforced frame was pared down enough to further reduce weight while still leaving enough protection to make it the most resilient XSeed in the UCP forces.
These weight-saving measures gained the MCF-123 significant speed increases over its notoriously ponderous predecessor. Plus, because some of the load was taken off of the engines, the XSeed Marine could make do with a generator almost ten percent less powerful than Eisenpferd’s reactor.
Eisenpferd’s only hand weapon had been a large heat axe, which proved impractical in a squad setting. Instead, the MCF-123 was equipped with two plasma swords and shield for close attack and defense. A heavy plasma rifle capable of dispersing a Claviceps’ ion field in one shot compensated for the reduction in missiles. The rifle also made up for the MCF-123’s inability to drain its capacitor by launching graphcap warheads. At the pilot’s discretion, a given shot could draw from the weapon’s magazine or the XSeed’s capacitor. The same held true for the unit’s plasma swords.
Early field tests proved the MCF-123 a true force to be reckoned with, but even its rock-solid armor eventually succumbed to Ynzu attacks. UC Arms added the same model of ion field projector installed in the other three branches’ XSeeds. Their ion fields gave marine teams precious added seconds to achieve victory.
The MCF-123’s high-performing yet economical design impressed the top brass, and in CY 81 it was awarded the title of XSeed Marine, replacing the MCF-Re124 as the UC Marine Corps’ standard-issue combat frame. This decision aroused the envy of the UC Army, who suddenly found themselves fielding the least advanced CF in the UCP military.
The XSeed Marine received a baptism by fire that same year when a surprise Ynzu attack besieged the earth. A single Marine garrison in Uruguay managed to hold off an entire Zue swarm until help arrived. The survivors gave their new CFs a fair share of the credit.