Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Gremlins 2: The New Batch

The recent post I did on beloved 80s horror-comedy Gremlins hinted that a review of the sequel was forthcoming, so here it is.

First off, I mentioned that Gremlins 2: The New Batch belongs to that rare breed of sequel that surpasses the original. Much like the follow up to another little picture that could from the 80s, Gremlins 2 improves upon its predecessor, and it does so for similar reasons.

The original Gremlins is the perfect example of a movie that shouldn’t have worked, yet somehow did despite itself. Director Joe Dante was keenly aware of the first film’s deficiencies. As a matter of fact, the reason we had to wait six years for the sequel was that Dante held out for full creative control.

There are two general types of directors: craftsmen of clear vision and steady hand who are only encumbered by studio meddling, and big idea dreamers whose flights of fancy lose cohesion without a strong producer to rein them in.

Joe Dante fits firmly into the former category. Warner Bros. let him make Gremlins 2 the way he wanted it to be made, and his workmanship shines through in the final product.

Here is a list, in no particular order, of the ways in which Gremlins 2 is superior to its predecessor:

I could sing this movie’s praises all day, but Red Letter Media has already done it for me. See their insightful Gremlins 2 analysis for more.

I pointed out that the first Gremlins was surprisingly redpilled, especially as it pertained to globalism and the plight of the working man. Gremlins 2 is even more based in its comedic demolition of corporate bug man culture and consumerist urban life. Clamp Center is one giant malfunctioning Peltzer invention in the heart of New York.

That brings us to the character of Daniel Clamp himself. The New York real estate mogul is an admitted homage to Donald Trump. He was originally intended as a villain, but Joe Dante turned him into a somewhat air-headed but sincere deuteragonist, which goes to show how universally well-liked Trump was before he decided to threaten the establishment.

There’s also the little detail that brings us full circle and almost qualifies this as a high strangeness post: A deleted scene from Gremlins 2 prefigured the Trump presidency over a quarter century before the fact. Skip to 3:30.


Gremlins 2: It’s even better than the first one. It holds up. Give it another watch!


Absolute hit

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