Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

The Pharmacopeia

A linguistic quirk that’s become a hallmark of dissident jargon is the convention of referring to one or more “pills” as shorthand for certain mental states. Being bluepilled means uncritically accepting the official narrative on one or more issues. Taking the red pill indicates that one has wised up to a lie peddled by the Death Cult.

These original pill memes made their way into popular use from the pickup artist scene, which ironically cribbed the imagery from a movie made by a fraternal pair of degenerates. Their dubious origins aside, the red pill and the blue pill are handy methods of quickly conveying more complex ideas, so they naturally caught on.

As subcultures are wont to do, the dissident movement expanded their binary pharmacopeia with new pills to describe other mindsets. Whereas the red and blue pills connoted awareness or obliviousness to reality, a second set of pills was added to reflect one’s reaction to eye-opening epiphanies. Thus, the red-blue X axis was joined by the black-white Y axis.

To give you the short version, a black pill is a bitter truth; while a white pill is a cause for optimism.

Another phenomenon you always see with subcultures is the hijacking of their slang by the wider culture. A case in point was when Con Inc. grifters co-opted the term “black piller” to tar supporters of the Groyper War. The insinuation was that stopping ex-Never Trumpers from imposing support for gay marriage and open borders on right-wing politics was somehow pessimistic.

Unfortunately, the bigger megaphones wielded by Con Inc. outfits like TPUSA and YAF gave them victory in the semantic battle over the black pill. Whereas before, blackpilling meant, “accepting a grim truth”, it now means “spreading despair”. You saw similar sleight of hand occur with the phrase “shooting right”, whose meaning was completely inverted from an admonition for moderates not to countersignal hardliners to a bludgeon used by the bluepilled to stave off red pills.

These days, an accusation of blackpilling just means you’ve stated facts that have instilled cognitive dissonance in the listener. It’ s a disqualifier used by moderate right-wingers in the same way that Leftists throw around the term “problematic”.

Many on the Right are understandably baffled in the face of the fact that the Left keeps winning despite embracing a worldview based on bat guano crazy make-believe. The reason is that the Death Cult is animated by fervent, if misplaced zeal, while Conservatives seek refuge in practicality. An ironclad rule of history is that zeal beats pragmatism any day of the week.

That’s not to say that the truth doesn’t matter. What it does mean is that, all else being equal, the most fanatical side wins. An important conclusion to draw from the Cult’s march from victory to victory is that so-called Conservative principles aren’t as grounded in reality as Conservatives assume.

In fact, most Conservative principles are just Liberal principles from ten years ago. The Mammon Mob buys into the same basic assumptions about human nature as the Death Cult; they’re just lukewarm about it. Their practice of standing in the path of the Cult’s march shouting, “Slow down!” therefore looks arbitrary.

Ask a Conservative why he wants to win, and the most common answer will be, “So they’ll leave me alone.” The next most popular responses range from appeals to creature comforts to a shrug.

Ask a Death Cultist why he wants to win–not that you have to; they shout it from the rooftops–and you’ll get a fiery sermon about the post-national, post-racial, post-Christian utopia in store for the world if we can just pile up enough corpses.

Yes, the latter is a horrifying vision, but it has the advantage of being a vision. The zealot can effortlessly dismiss your desires to be left alone, not pay taxes, and live with people like you as selfish impediments to progress.

Here’s the ultimate truth at the heart of our current crisis: The triumphant Death Cult is a fanatical heresy fueled by stolen Christian zeal. It can be defeated if and only if enough people submit to the one true faith with equal zeal.

Without Christ, you cannot hope to stand firm against the diabolically inspired Cult.

Without Christ, you will break under the random, selective, and irrational terror campaigns of our corrupt ruling class.

Without Christ, there is no victory, and no victory without Christ can be worth winning.

That some consider the above to be black pills says more about them than the alleged blackpillers.

Go to church. Stop sinning. Make atonement for your sins and those of all the world.

And win.


Happy, hopeful, and practical

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