An old Libertarian axiom dictates that government crackdowns on undesirable transactions don’t destroy those markets, they just create black markets. The Roaring 20s speakeasy was a classic example that emerged in response to Prohibition. Today in the Whimpering 20s, illegal commerce is seeing a resurgence as the continued lockdowns are making ordinary activities illegal. This is a digital age, so much like meetings have been replaced by Zoom calls, live streams have replaced backroom dive bars as the new speakeasies.
This is why Republicans’ latest effort to shame their base into voting for them rings hollow. We’re supposed to envision a two-seat GOP Senate majority as Liberty Prime defending America from Chinese communism. In reality, Big Tech has been steadily imposing a social credit system on us while Republicans do nothing.
Not exactly nothing. When the people elected the first President in decades who made countering China’s economic warfare a priority, the GOP worked tirelessly to thwart his mandate. Trump will leave office with none of his agenda passed into law, despite having House and Senate majorities for two years and a Senate majority for four.
People who are red-pilled on the ruling monoparty like to invoke the Harlem Globetrotters vs Washington Generals meme to call out the GOP as controlled opposition. Everybody knows the Generals get paid to take a dive. What many overlook is that they’re paid to make it look good. When Republicans saw their numbers falling in Georgia, they hastily mobilized an eleventh-hour token defense of Trump they knew would fail.
Therein lies the real fruit of the Trump administration. Outsiders like Pat Buchanan and Ross Perot had long issued wake-up calls about the bi-factional elite. They even managed to attract serious followings and influence elections, but exactly what would happen if an outside candidate won remained an open question. Trump gave us the answer and opened millions of people’s eyes.
The red pill that Trump dispensed at great personal cost is final and indisputable proof that the game is rigged. The Republican Party does not work for the ordinary people it pretends to represent. Just recently, McConnell & Co. prostrated themselves before Puppet Pal Joe on national television.
Our elites may not be the brightest crayons in the box, but they possess a certain unctuous cunning. They know that public outrage over their betrayal of Trump has an expiration date, thanks to the fruit fly brain news cycle. Hence their immediate pivot to the earth-shaking importance of the Georgia runoff and the Yellow Scare spook stories.
Traitorous Republicans are counting on the media memory-holing Trump so they can lull us back into the sheepfold. Reptiles like McConnell, Perdue, and Loeffler are sure they’ve got it made. With Orange Man gone, they can go back to promising the rubes that they’ll make infanticide inconvenient while they’re actually busy doubling Apple’s net worth again.
In a democracy, even a sham democracy like ours, the people have one bit of leverage over our rulers. Elected officials derive their authority from the people’s vote. Denying them that fig leaf places their claim to legitimacy on thin ice.
One hope of a peaceful resolution to this farce remains. The voters who reelected Trump, only to see their will spurned by the ruling class, must primary every national Republican who failed to defend the President. Any GOP turncoat who can’t be primaried out must be defeated in the general in 2022. Unless we inflict consequences upon this party of traitors, they will have no incentive to stop betraying us.
For a discussion of these and many other engaging topics, watch my recent live stream appearance hosted by leading Hispanic author Jon Del Arroz: