The last president of the United States has left the White House, and with his departure comes the end of politics dating back to America’s founding. The hooting and gamboling from the Death Cultists who finally ended the American experiment says it all. They are simultaneously patting themselves on the back for saving democracy while forbidding anyone who disagrees with them from speaking.
That’s not to lodge yet another complaint about the Left’s double standards. It’s right and proper to help one’s allies and harm one’s enemies in wartime, and the Cult’s main advantage is they know they’re at war.
What democrats’ increasingly paranoid spasms should do for normal people is finally open their eyes. We’re not dealing with well-meaning but misguided people who disagree with us on tax policy. The US is not a one-party state. The leaders of that party are spiteful maniacs who hate half the country. Those same paranoid madmen have nigh unlimited resources which they are using to crush their enemies.
To navigate this perilous landscape, ordinary Americans must disabuse themselves of any thought that their rulers are rational. Our elites have spent years silencing dissenters by branding all dissent as violence. They reinforced this delusion by hyperventilating over some rubes trespassing on federal property Then they double down and wield the manufactured crisis as a bludgeon to further silence disagreement.
The point being, if you really believed half the country were trigger-happy savages that responded to censorship with deadly rampages, you wouldn’t be so smug about telling them to shut up.
We now live in a country run by a demented cult. Too many people are responding to this realization by clinging to the vain hope of Trump’s return in 2024.
Confronting the enemy’s delusions with our own delusions is not a winning strategy. The easiest way to realign your thinking with reality is to look past the personalities and weight the outcomes.
Puppet Pal Joe is already erasing Trump’s accomplishments with the stroke of a pen. In terms of legislation, Trump has no legacy. The enemy stole an election for this purpose. Not only will 2024 will not be allowed to matter, none of Trump’s official acts will be allowed to matter.
The anger stage soon follows. Those who’ve cast off the illusion are now looking for people to blame. To be sure, there’s no shortage of blame to go around. Establishment republicans co-opted Trump’s movement for their own ends and cast him off like a soiled rag. The Q crowd let themselves get caught up in a cloak-and-dagger LARP that afflicted them with terminal bystander syndrome. Trump himself picked all the wrong friends and took all the worst advice every time.
Yet there’s truth to the old saw about pointing fingers. Trump was never going to be the savior. We already had a Savior, and turning our backs on Him is the real reason we’re facing chastisement.
Trump was only ever going to buy us time. He gave us four years to prepare for merciless persecution.
Did you use the time wisely?
The author nails the problems we are dealing with in modern pop culture, and how to deal with it. Don’t feed the Death Cult!