Legendary talk radio host Rush Limbaugh succumbed to lung cancer yesterday. It’s been dawning on more and more Americans that we find ourselves at the end of an era, and the death of Uncle Rush is a major sign of that historical transition.
Admittedly, banging the drum of presidential politics when brazen election rigging has made voting pointless comes off as quixotic at best. But we have to keep in mind that Rush was a product of his environment, and that environment was pre-Clown World America.
For a Baby Boomer who actually managed to live the American dream, Rush exhibited impressively red-pilled moments.
My personal history with Rush goes all the way back to the 90s. He’d really only been a player on the national stage for a few years when I first heard him. One of my buddies from back in the day had a paper route, and the local AM talk station would replay Rush’s show on weekend mornings. I fondly recall many a crisp post-sleepover morning riding in the back of their family’s station wagon with bound stacks of newspapers. My buddy’s dad would tune in to Rush while he drove and I folded.
Not log after, my dad and I would take up the same tradition on my own paper route. This practice continued into high school, whereupon I began listening to the EIB Network on days off and over summer break. To say that Rush influenced my political development would be an understatement. Next to the Church, I credit Rush’s show with steering me away from the degeneracy that ensnared too many of my generation.
Like all gateway drugs, Rush’s show eventually gave way to more rigorous and serious intellectual pursuits. I’d largely fallen out of the habit of listening to him by the time I earned my bachelor’s. The study of theology soon took up most of the time I’d previously invested in politics
Here on the far side of the Trump phenomenon, it’s hard for most people to remember what a shock Obama’s two terms were for conservatives. The ACA and the legalization of same-sex marriage by judicial fiat dispelled the illusion that the Right stood on an equal footing in the culture war. It’s also easy to forget how fed up rank-and-file conservatives were with the establishment GOP. Only the Tea Party kept the Republicans nationally viable.
The reign of Puppet Pal Joe is already shaping up to be Obama’s third term. He’s already swept away Trump’s legacy with the stroke of a pen. To the ruling class, the minor delay that was Trump’s unexpected presidency has passed, and they’re pulling out all the stops to make up for lost time.
Once again, the GOP is on life support, and politics in general seems like a waste of time.
Students of history know that history doesn’t actually repeat. Our rulers burned a tremendous amount of resources and good will installing their puppet. No grassroots movement capable of being co-opted by ConInc. looms on the horizon. Meanwhile, the pretender stumbles from one disaster to another as if his handlers didn’t stop to think about what they’d do with total power when they got it.
All signs to our teetering society going its natural course this time. Men like Rush were not made for such times, and his family can take solace in knowing that he didn’t live to see the worst.
Those who weather the coming storm will almost certainly see the crisis through thanks in no small part to the countercultural voice in the wilderness that was the Rush Limbaugh Show.
Another major contributing factor to your odds of survival in years to come will be your degree of independence from woke capital. Learn to leverage the skills you already have to generate independent incomes streams for you and your family. Nobody knows this better than my friend and client Adam. Take his home business course now!
History doesn't repeat, but I just stumbled across the following passage that felt contemporary:
"A many-sided moral drama was played out, of which the symptoms were superstition, love of pleasure, a falling birth-rate, an excessive domination of women who, freed from child-bearing, assumed men's tasks, and under whose influence society disintegrated. Art itself disintegrated, and if … it still showed fine technical qualities, it too often replaced creative vigor by mere activity and striving for effect."
Henri Daniel-Rops, writing about Hellenistic civilization between Alexander and Rome, in the early 40s (Israel and the Ancient World, aka The People of the Bible or Sacred History).
So from whence comes the new Rome, and does it do the bidding of the old serpent more directly than its forefathers?
The smart money's on the rapidly Christianizing China.
It is sad that we won't have Limbaugh around to at least make the shit show that is Biden/Harris entertaining. He got me through the Clinton era, so I know he could have done it. Now we have to take these idiots seriously.
Reflect for a moment, and consider that you're on a newpub author's blog.
What folks of Gen Jones and older understandably miss when they lament the departure of some media icon with no clear successor, is that they're looking in the wrong place.
The enemy controls the media. They are systematically either strangling dissenting talents in the crib or corrupting them with Faustian deals.
In fact, the natural successors to personalities like Rush are here. They have been for a while. They're just not on Fox News or AM radio.
Just as you need to look beyond the Big Four to find good science fiction, the true heirs of conservative media must be sought out elsewhere.
That makes a great deal of sense. When Limbaugh got into it, talk radio was the guerrilla media of the day. It was considered very much outside the mainstream. So we need a new guerrilla media with new personalities driving it. Of course with Biden in charge (on paper anyway) there will be no shortage of material to skewer.
Exactly. The FCC was on the verge of abandoning commercial AM radio altogether when Rush hit the airwaves. He saved the format.
Nick Fuentes currently has a slick little streaming service up and running. Soon it will be available for other exiled thought criminals to stream on. That's just one reason I think he comes closest to being Rush's successor.
Another of those red pill moments was Rush identifying and impressively handling what he called "seminar callers," long before anyone had heard of concern trolls, which is effectively what they were. He may not have been made for these times, but he read the writing on the wall a lot better than many of his contemporaries.
Yep. Rush identified what the cool kids would come to call astroturf. Guy had an IQ of like 160.
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A man who spoke as he believed, and lived as he spoke: bravely, courageously, while telling anyone who disagreed and tried to silence him to shove it. May more men aspire to be as forthright as he was, and may he be welcomed into the Kingdom of God