Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

9Volt 3 and Test Pilots Wanted

Cover by ArtAnon Studios

Not only is he an epic mech designer, our own ArtAnon has a number of quality comic book projects under his belt. 

Here’s the latest: a star-spanning indie anthology featuring work by ArtAnon himself, as well as a talented stable of other indie artists.

Credit: ArtAnon Studios

Support indie comics. Check out 9Volt Comics #3 now!

And in other ArtAnon-related news, you guys smashed our fifth stretch goal on Indiegogo, giving the XSeed: SS campaign a second wind. We are now accepting applications to test pilot the official Combat Frame XSeed: Pocket War card game.

CatholicLancer, ArtAnon, and our expert dev team have put in a couple years’ work creating the official CFXS card game. Now we need your help refining it to perfection. Claiming the Card Game Test Pilot perk entitles you to build your own custom deck for play in the official beta test. You choose 40 cards from our robust selection, we ship you your deck, and you join us for our live online playtest sessions.

Everyone who’s sampled earlier builds of this game has had crazy fun, so don’t miss out. Claim your place in the pilot seat, play the game before the general public, and make your mark on Pocket War history!
Claim yours now!
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