As a counterpoint to some of the recent blackpilling about Generation Z, I went back and dug up some data pointing to encouraging trends among Zoomers.
Look closely at this chart by Audacious Epigone. Pay particular attention to the generational trends in attitudes toward pornography.
“This is terrible!” you may say. “More Zoomers want porn to stay legal than any other generation polled!”
But on closer inspection, a couple of remarkable data points stand out:
- More Zoomers than Millennials want porn banned outright.
- This stat marks a reversal in the trend that started with the Boomers of each successive generation favoring porn bans less than the last.
Note that the age categories above lump Gen Zeds in with some Millennials. It’s a good bet that support for C&C is even higher among 16-20 year-olds.
Now, a common mistake older folks make is to impose their Left vs Right filter on groups that eschew that paradigm. By and large, Zoomers who reject the Death Cult’s vision are ambivalent or even hostile toward Classical Liberalism, unrestricted free marketism, and government noninterventionism. The see those 20th century ideologies as failed pipe dreams that have no relevance in the post-Western world they’ve been relegated to.
What does interest Zoomers on our side is the family and faith life their grandparents took for granted and they themselves never had.
Allow me to cast glimmers of hope on that dire pronouncement.
Just as the decades-long trend toward greater acceptance of pornography stopped with the Gen Z, the Zoomers have also arrested the decline in religious practice. The fact that Zoomers aren’t less religious than Millennials, in spite of how they were raised, qualifies as a minor miracle.