Accurate information is required to engage in any kind of conflict, be it social, spiritual, or–and this is best avoided–physical. To paraphrase Sun Tzu, if we lack a realistic understanding of ourselves and our enemy, we can’t expect victory.
Time to face reality. The enemy spent the last hundred years on a long march through our institutions and now controls all of them. Don’t expect any help or support from the mainstream media, Hollywood, New York publishing, academia, big business, or even most of the Church’s hierarchy. In fact, you should expect to be attacked and resisted by all of these.
Before we delve into options for fighting back, we must define our terms, specifically, ourselves. The enemy has done the job for us, since they are the ones who have initiated an unprovoked war of conquest against a foe they are all to eager to name. The boogeymen they seek to destroy are straight, white, Christian men and the civilization they sustain.
But even more vital to knowing the enemy is identifying the enemy. Who is it that’s actively campaigning to destroy Western civilization? There is far less consensus on who or what is ultimately driving the war on the West. It is tempting to simply invert the enemy’s checklist, but the strife between factions of the Death Cult and straight, white, Christian men is an effect of enemy action; not the root cause.
Others point to the recently emerged elite class of rootless, cosmopolitan managers. Look at who really controls the American and most European governments, and you will find the same kinds of people from the same kinds of well-off families who attended the same tier of prestigious schools and live in the same class exclusive neighborhoods. Our managerial elite inhabit an incestuous hive mind where the desirability of multiculturalism, socialism, and globalism is taken for granted. They cannot comprehend anyone having a contrary opinion. Therefore cognitive bias compels them to dismiss those who reject globalism–most of the people they rule over–as backward rubes. And because rejection of the elites ideas is taken as an affront to their shared identity, our rulers respond with hatred.
As a result, our ruling class imports waves of incompatible foreigners from cultures with no concept of individual liberty, the intrinsic dignity of human life, or merit-based achievement. Seeing highly skilled but clannish and nepotistic invaders taking our high end jobs, low-skilled invaders taking our blue collar jobs, and unemployable savages beating and raping our women gives our rulers a rush of vicious glee. They firmly believe we have it coming, so they double down.
And yet, not even widespread noblesse malice fully explains the reckless hate directed at us by our rulers or the sadistic cruelty with which they not only seek to disenfranchise us, but to systematically remove all sources of joy from our lives.
Regular readers of this blog are aware of the premeditated alienation of their own audiences currently rampant in Hollywood and the comics industry. There can be no other motive for throwing a rock through a stained glass window than diabolical hatred of Beauty itself and the Truth that beauty reveals.
Now that we know the enemy’s definition of us and we’ve defined the enemy, here’s what you can do to fuck up his malevolent, democidal plans.
1. Stop Giving Money to People Who Hate You
Quit the Pop Cult. The Death Cult high priests in charge of all major brands know they’re alienating their core audience, and they don’t care. Making money isn’t their chief concern. Their primary aim is to make you miserable. As a result, they’ll eventually destroy their industries, but they’ll do catastrophic cultural and spiritual damage on the way down.
Hasten their demise and mitigate the fallout by simply not giving these reprobates the money their government cronies make sure you’re earning less of. Do not pay to see any new Hollywood films. There is, bluntly speaking, no excuse for paying the major studios, Netflix, etc. to insult you.
Entertainment alternatives abound. Archive.org has a free library of classic movies you couldn’t exhaust in a lifetime. They’ve also got tons of music and even books and short stories from the pulp era. If you’d like more contemporary reading material, find and support indie authors like yours truly.
2. Take creative political action
Hat tip to the commenters over at the Z Blog for this one. Perhaps the most important fruit of Trump’s presidency was the full public exposure of the Samp/Deep State/Military-industrial Complex’s control over the government. The curtain has been torn down, and the small, petty men pulling the levers of power stand revealed for all to see.
Only binary thinking dullards still labor under the illusion that there is an essential difference between the Republican and Democrat parties. Only Boomers wearing rose-colored glasses still think it’s just “a handful of bad apples” disrupting operations at the DOJ, FBI, State Department, and CIA.
Representative democracy in America is a farce. We are ruled by unaccountable globalist bureaucrats whose desperate efforts to ensure our votes don’t matter are growing increasingly brazen. Their endgame is to dissolve the people and elect another.
Options for fighting back at the ballot box are limited but not nonexistent. If you live in a district that reliably goes red in national elections, primary out GOPe traitors in favor of candidates running on an America First platform. All other policy considerations should be placed on the back burner until the present crisis has been dealt with.
If you live in a reliably blue district, vote in the Democrat primary for the most psychotic, intersectionalist candidate on offer. Choosing your guy’s opponent is a patented Democrat trick that we should co-opt.
In either case, donate to the campaigns of populist nationalist candidates across state lines–always in conformity with all applicable election laws.
3. Get off the bench and in the game
- Self-publish a science fiction novel in the tradition of the pulps.
- Get some friends together, rent a camera, and do some guerrilla film making.
- Record and release a rock album that retains the genre’s blues roots.
- Produce an independent comic featuring virtuous men performing acts of real heroism.
- Start a podcast or a vlog dedicated to some aspect of traditional Western culture.
- Blog daily, offering constructive criticism aimed at helping other artists improve.
- If you’re not artistically inclined, support the creators who are.
4. Get your ass to church
We contend not with flesh and blood, but with powers, principalities, and spirits of the air. Even our destruction is not the enemy’s ultimate goal, but a means to his real aim of striking at the Christ. And without Christ’s help, we cannot prevail.
Yes, much of the church’s leadership is corrupt. Many of them enforced state-mandated restrictions that posed obstacles to church attendance and sacrament reception. But they are just the earthly tip of a vast transcendent reality that descends iceberg-like from heaven. However many Judases in the Church Militant the enemy corrupts, he cannot touch the Church Triumphant. If the temple is a den of thieves, go and cleanse it. A great cloud of witnesses cheers you on.
For the unbelievers among us, understand that you are walking unarmed into a spiritual battle. Your rejection of God is not sufficient cause for the enemy to spare you. The civilization that Christians built has afforded you the freedom you’ve abused to attack its source, and if Western civilization is destroyed, your license will perish with it. You can spend an hour every Sunday LARPing for the sake of Christendom instead of being the NFL’s paypig.
The battle before us seems daunting. We face relentless attacks on all fronts from an enemy that cannot be appeased, dissuaded, or bargained with. But since they have us surrounded, there’s no way the enemy can escape.
I understand that many people cannot take all, or even most, of the steps in this post. That’s fine. Do what you can where you are with what you’ve got. If only ten percent of normal people stood up, we’d win the war tomorrow.
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