… to the consternation of many CDS sufferers.

A question to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith about whether or not the Church has the “power to give the blessing to unions of persons of the same sex” was answered in the “negative” by the congregation’s prefect, Luis Cardinal Ladaria Ferrer. The congregation’s statement was assented to by Pope Francis. While the statement was signed Feb. 22, it was only released today.
February 22 is the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter. Was the statement’s timing a coincidence? Possibly, from a purely human viewpoint. But God knew what day it was.
The Congregation stated that it is “not licit to impart a blessing on relationships, or partnerships, even stable, that involve sexual activity outside of marriage (i.e., outside the indissoluble union of a man and a woman open in itself to the transmission of life), as is the case of the unions between persons of the same sex.”“The presence in such relationships of positive elements, which are in themselves to be valued and appreciated, cannot justify these relationships and render them legitimate objects of an ecclesial blessing, since the positive elements exist within the context of a union not ordered to the Creator’s plan,” the statement read.
Scripture, the teachings of the Church Fathers, and the consistent doctrine of the Magisterium are unambiguous on this matter. Even if a pope were to make statements in conflict with solemnly defined Catholic sexual morality, he could be safely ignored since the older and more authoritative magisterial teaching would trump his personal heterodox opinion.
Happily, not even Pope Francis flaked on this one, despite enormous pressure to cave to the World.
Speaking of popes …

This tweet from a Death Cultist seething over the pope remaining Catholic illustrates a number of useful points.
First, he drops the mask and claims papal authority. It’s phrased as a joke, but every Cultist really does run his morality grift this way. Each one tries to set himself up as the ultimate moral authority–his own pope, if you will.
Second, note how the Cultist simultaneously undermines the source of the moral authority he’s trying to usurp. “The pope isn’t even mentioned in the Bible, which is a fake bronze age fairytale anyway!”
The Witch Test exposes the Death Cultists’ false dealing to everyone, which is why they have no answer for it.

In other news, our Combat Frame XSeed: SS campaign is closing in on its fourth exciting stretch goal! Claim sweet perks, including a slot as a CFXS roleplaying game playtester, and help make the RPG rulebook a reality at 500% funding.
John Fugelsang is possibly the most hateful and blindingly ignorant person in all of Hollywood, and that's saying something. there isn't one day that doesn't go by when he isn't cursing out half of his country and standing on his non-existent secular humanist high horse over things he learned from the television.
Comedian Carlos Alazraqui once went on his show and pleaded with him to not assume everyone who believed different than he did was a fool, even doing the same on twitter, but the man just doesn't listen. He is too full of his own undeserved ego.
This is why Hollywood needs to go. It's for the good of their own poisoned and shriveled souls. Thankfully it looks more and more likely that it'll happen in our lifetimes. It'll be a good day when it's gone.
Never let it be said that the Lord doesn't work in mysterious ways.
I'd never heard of the guy before yesterday.
The only reason I know of him is because he keeps showing up in my twitter timeline.
He mouths all the right platitudes which is why he gets support from the death cult. Otherwise he's like a line in an old Dead Milkmen song: "Just another b-actor on the late late show"
I’ve never heard of him before yesterday either. I’d ask what he does but frankly I don’t care
You may have mentioned the scriptural basis for the witch test before, and I missed it. My observation is the witch test is the sincere application of 1 John 4:1-3.
I have a cousin who is a professed Christian (Protestant flavor), went to a "Christian" college, etc. This cousin is VERY progressive, much of it thanks to her "education" at this "Christian" college. Yet the witch test would not apply to her. She would gladly parrot what she has been programmed to say about confessing Christ, yet continue saying that the Bible (and therefore God) does not condemn homosexuality, since all the Bible scholars that she believes point out that the words in question actually condemn pederasty.
The loving response to misguided heretics would be to beat them with a stick
Witch test needs to be applied with expected positives. Heretic test is another animal altogether. As for logic, a verse condemning pederasty does not rule out the same verse condemning homosexuality, since they are very often considered the same thing. Consider that some specifically condemn ritual sodomy. Does that imply that non-ritual sodomy is fine?
Give her preferred scholars a few years to change their tune. Pederasty will be all the rage in 2023.
I've already seen the seeds. Look how they phrase their interpretations of the verse. They describe it as an 'abusive' pedophilic relationship. The extra word shouldn't be necessary.
I'm actually a bit (pleasantly) surprised. I expected this pope to find to sanction such things. Of course the same folks who loved him for his "untraditional" ideas now think he's a dangerous theocrat, but that's the fame game.
My informed opinion is that Francis is theologically indifferent, liturgically sloppy, and easily manipulated by his rotten advisors.
Nonetheless, he still has the Petrine charism. God trademark move is drawing straight with crooked lines.
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Lord those cultists are tiresome with their banal predictability, If it's not pelvic issues, it's Jesus is a copy of other 'messianic heroes'; Christmas is a Christian skinsuit emasculating a viral pagan festival; Mary is just a copy of similar virgin stories etc, etc.
Yet the cultists never bother to ask how come the ancient, pagan world never had hospitals, orphanages, universities never respected the human person by protecting the sick and vulnerable?
If they were rational enough to ask those questions, they wouldn't be cultists.
Another win for the Church of the based.
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>I could call myself pope, and start running around blessing unicorns.
It's 2021 and they are still using that "Flying Spaghetti Monster" nonsense.
Having cut themselves off from the Creator, they can no longer create.
He can call himself Pope. In fact he did. And he asked for donations. Now, let's see how many he gets.
You see, one does not need to believe in the underpinnings of, say, the Papacy, to prove via observation of market phenomena that this guy is not, in fact, "as good as the Catholic Pope".
He is objectively worth less as Pope than he is as his own weight in organic fertilizer; he is more aligned in market-value to his own corpse than his own Papacy.
This guy is trash-tier.
"Ha ha, religion makes you stupid. Now to head back to my ratty hole in the wall apartment to eat bugs and watch my Disney-approved entertainment service."
1COMODIN9 here.
LoLoLoL, I've never thought that inverting the "current year" schtick could be so funny…