… has nothing to do with Corona-chan stimulus checks.

The picture above looks like a cheap green screen effect from a local TV station weather report. In fact, it’s a still from what the Cult media is presenting it as legitimate footage of Joe Biden. With a boom mic that would have to be larger than his head.
Watch the original video to get the full, unconvincing, effect:
Now, some are claiming that this obviously doctored footage is a deception to hide Biden’s conjectural incapacitation or passing. Others say that the fake is so obvious, it must have been released on purpose as some kind of psyop.
As usual, the simplest explanation is usually the right one.
In this case, that explanation is that Americans–including those who work for the government–are getting dumber.
This brain drain should surprise no one. Geezers like Puppet Pal Joe aren’t exactly renowned for their intellectual aptitude. The up-and-coming generation of Washington leadership is notable more for hailing from corners of the world with sub-90 IQs than any actual accomplishments.
The ability to convincingly use Adobe After Effects will be among the least significant competencies lost by our rulers in coming years.
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How did the Soviets have footage of our glorious Dear Leader and 46th President of the United States before he was even inaugurated?!?
You don't really need to find out what's going on
You don't really want to know just how far it's gone
Just leave well enough alone, keep your dirty laundry
The boom mikes also look like they should bumping into his hand, but don't. If this was a video game, it might be a funny collision detection glitch, like being able to stand IN a wall, but what's the point of inserting the boom mikes? Is it to assert the presence of imaginary reporters in an otherwise staged, controlled event? If Sleepy Joe is in really bad shape, I could imagine them recording the audio one day, doing the footage another day, and putting the whole thing together in post-production. I wonder, though, why the static? I though it was rotor noise from Marine One at first, but there's nothing to suggest he just got off a chopper.
No one really believes this person is running anything. He can't tie his own shoes, let alone make rational policy decisions. So yeah the deep fake is needed to maintain the illusion. All hail President Max Headroom.
Tens of millions are coming to that same realization. Few understand how momentous that is.
It's green-screen. Bad green screen. You never see his feet either, because the interface would be too obviously a sham. Nothing about our current situation is legitimate, and my original estimate of a twenty year timer before the inevitable collapse of necessarily cumulative steals and shams is collapsing by the week. What interesting times we are living in…
Yes, 20 may have been to generous.
Whatever timeline we have it’s safe to say it’ll be more accurate if we hop it up on crystal meth
The thing that amazes the most is how lame Biden's answer is and how they fake a "follow up" question that isn't answered because the video cuts off.
It's like even in a controlled environment and the ability to do multiple takes, the most they can get out of Biden is ten seconds where he slowly walks a few steps and then says four words.
Pretty soon it will be like Bela lugosi in ed wood's plan 9 from outer space. He'll be shot (with a camera) from behind so no one can tell it isn't really him.
Apparently a second angle of the incident exists, though the mics look equally fake from that angle and don't seem to line up between the two videos:
It took me a while to dig for the Washington Post video, but apparently it's here:
I see "apparently" because I'm not making an account just to check it out.
I dunno, I guess it could be an optical illusion with really big boom mics that were positioned just right. Doesn't look right to me on either video still, but I'm willing to allow for the possibility.
What I find more interesting are the debunking articles/twitter chain. The open salvo is usually "yeah this looks fake as hell, but if you think it's fake you are a crazy conspiracy theorist." Another consistent feature is that when people question whether the angles between the two videos really make are consistent the response is always "these videos have compression artifacts and that's why they seem off." No explanation of how that would affect angles or layering.
The people who "[obscenely] love science" understand neither physics nor optics nor computer science.
Fanatics telling you not to trust your lying eyes are just engaged in the usual humiliation rituals.
"What are you talking about, comrade? There was never anyone next to Stalin in that picture. Only a capitalist reactionary would say otherwise!"
Those people don't love science. They just like staring at science's boobs.
Bradford gets to make a Razorfist chair spin if he so chooses.
It's amazing how obvious this is and people either don't notice, or just don't care.
He called it.