Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Combat Frame Data: Typhon



Technical Data
Model Number: XCF-IC90T
Code name: Typhon
Nickname: Grenzue
Classification: hybrid Ynzu combat frame
Manufacturer: ISBC
Operator: Classified
First deployment: CY 98
Crew: 1 pilot in cockpit in chest
Height: 18 meters
Weight: 66 metric tons
Armor type: “1D” carbyne laminar armor enhanced with fractal diamond isomers
Powerplant: Super high-efficiency micro fusion reactor, maximum output 5555 KW
Propulsion: EM impellers: 3x 120,000 kg thrust; top speed 3800 kph; maneuvering impellers: 36, 180° turn time 0.30 seconds; legs: top ground speed 196 kph
Sensors: HALO array mounted under grilled radome “head”; gravitic sensors mounted in collar
Fixed armaments: x10 graviton cannon, mounted in fingertips, power rated at 1,000 MW each ; x2 graviton sword, blade emitters embedded in palms, output rated at 5.55 MW; x2 4-tube missile pod, mounted on legs
Special equipment: Ion field generator, x2 graviton gauntlet, TC/D drive
General Notes
The first Ynzu assault in CY 60 cost the Earth Sphere dearly in men and material. Unknown to all but a select few, humanity gained a major windfall in the captured Ynzu Controller and his incredibly potent combat frame.

Upon ratification of the Military Reorganization Act, the Coalition Defense Forces handed the alien CF over to ISBC for study. Despite all their funding and influence, it took the Commission thirty years to reverse-engineer the Controller CF’s tech. A gravity drive on par with the original still eluded their grasp when the UC military ordered a testbed unit incorporating Ynzu tech. Therefore, ISBC substituted more conventional EM drives.

The first hybrid of human and Ynzu technology surpassed all expectations. The unit’s performance even surprised ISBC’s design team, who chose the old CF-06 Grenzmark II as the base platform for the stolen alien tech. Enhanced with graviton emitters and wave guides capable of shaping and containing high-energy plasma, the playfully nicknamed Grenzue swept away the UCP’s most advanced XSeeds in combat tests. Next to the graviton cannons in each of its fingertips and a pair of “graviton gauntlets” allowing the unit to form and hold coherent plasma blades, the dual missile pods on its legs were quaint throwbacks.

Though studying Ynzu tech led to breakthroughs in fusion reactor production, ISBC couldn’t quite replicate the Controller CF’s staggeringly high power output. They did manage to squeeze almost six megawatts out of their reverse-engineered copy, giving the Grenzue more than enough energy to fuel its devastating arsenal and blisteringly fast drives.

Design limitations did force ISBC to make some compromises. To maintain target performance levels in light of the Grenzue’s less efficient powerplant, the unit’s armor was thinned compared to the Controller CF and 1-Series XSeeds. Weaving Ynzu-derived fractal diamond isomers into the Grenzue’s 1D carbyne armor compensated for the reduction in layers and maintained its battlefield dominance.

Intended only as a proof of concept, the Typhon would see live combat following a security breach at ISBC headquarters in CY 98.

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