Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Fun Has a New Enemy


Author JD Cowan gives his informed take on the latest desecration of The Shadow from James Patterson’s brand sweatshop.

Anyone who has read an OldPub book in the last decade certainly has warning bells going off in their head, and for very good reason. All you need is the above information and I bet you can guess everything to come in the plot, including any potential twists and turns involving the main character. This is checkbox fiction at its most obvious, an OldPub staple.
None of this is The Shadow. There is nothing of the pursuit of justice, no mystery, no wonder at the danger, and the entirety of the cast and setting has been completely written out. If you have seen any of Hollywood’s numerous “reboots” or “sequels” in recent years you can already guess most of what will occur and even how the new main character will act and behave. It’s all stock and rote, tired before even a single page is turned.
This is literally all OldPub can put out anymore. The “formulaic junk” of the pulps have been replaced with a new formula far more constrictive than anything that has come before. But you won’t hear any voices in the industry speak it, even though it is an obvious truth that anyone with eyes can see. They simply need you to not notice it.
Just keep in mind that no one in the industry will ever reverse course because they will never admit failure. It is always the audience’s fault when they don’t want to buy junk.

There’s a reason why Oldpub cultfic has become even more mindlessly repetitive than the pulps which literati types deride as formulaic. It’s because Oldpub proselytes aren’t just running down a checklist. They’re reciting a litany.

Replacing masculine protagonists with sassy, self-entitled teen girls, swapping the sexes, races, and disability status of iconic heroes, and demonizing tradition are acts of piety to the Death Cult. Their works aren’t entertaining because they’re not meant to entertain. They are morality plays written to catechize adherents of this novel, anti-Christ faith.

Now, what too many folks overlook is that Death Cult media come in two types:

  1. Overt hagiography like Patterson’s Shadow novel
  2. Pop Cult propaganda meant for the masses
Whereas the former isn’t meant for mass consumption and is about as fun as a root canal, the propaganda put out by Pop Cultists who run PR for the Death Cult can be quite entertaining on a base level.

The Death Cult has co-opted all major media and entertainment outlets. Its priests and acolytes want you and your family dead and everything you loved erased from history. The number the Patterson Collective just did on The Shadow is just one recent example.

The Marvel films, many of which have definite mass appeal, are another.

It’s not like many cultural commentators – including me – haven’t been sounding the alarm on this for years now. That’s why it’s frustrating to see a lot of otherwise redpilled people who know better backsliding into the Pop Cult paypig pen.

“But I like it, so it can’t be propaganda!” misses the point. It’s a category error that demonstrates a fundamental failure to understand how propaganda works.

Propaganda operates by manipulating your emotions to lower your resistance to the propagandist’s ideas.. Whether or not you like a given book, movie, or TV show is irrelevant to its status as propaganda. In fact, propaganda is far more effective if you do like it.

Christian Conservatives control exactly zero major studios, labels, and publishers. The Death Cult that’s taken over those institutions allows no middle ground. All corporate entertainment products must be considered enemy propaganda until proven otherwise. For the sake of your soul.

It can’t be repeated enough: Don’t give money to people who hate you.

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