Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier



With the Trump phenomenon gone the way of the Reagan Revolution and the Death Cult’s shock troops strangling alternatives in the crib, we’ve gained enough distance to place the past five years in context.

One of the most tragic yet edifying spectacles of the last two presidential elections was the gang of oddballs that emerged from the woodwork to support Trump. In a parallel universe, some of them might have had careers at Fox News. Most missed their calling as circus ringmasters. All of them put all their chips on Trump, and all of them went bust.

Milo Yiannopoulos is the model of a cancelled MAGApede. With his Breitbart column, Twitter accounts, and college tour, he arguably moved the needle for Trump more than anyone but Ricky Vaughn.

By his own admission, MILO also fell the farthest. The Death Cult even used him as an example in their witch burning manual.

There’s a wealth of other examples. Gavin McInnes went from an edgy ex-punk turned Proud Boys ringleader to a guy streaming out of a closet. Self-styled philosopher Stefan Molyneux has rebranded as a bitcoin bug.

Don’t forget eternal moderate Scott Adams. Browse his Twitter feed, and you get the impression it’s all that’s keeping him from bugging out to the desert to start a UFO cult.

Now, most of these MAGA camp followers weren’t malicious. By and large they were niche figures kicking around social media in 2015 wondering why they didn’t have Fox News sinecures. A handful were talented enough to have gone mainstream in a saner world.

What they couldn’t have known was how gravely mistaken their conception of the world was. Back in 2015 everybody still thought we were living in a somewhat dysfunctional but ultimately salvageable democratic republic. We’ve now learned that we live in a banana republic instead.

Under the old assumptions, which were drilled into most of us since grade school, it made sense to think that betting big on Trump would land his coattail riders an equally big payoff.

Instead, Trump did the political equivalent of buying the Washington Generals and hiring new players and coaches to break their losing streak. We’ve since found out there’s no trophy, no endorsement deals, and in fact, no game. The team Trump nominally captained has no incentive to win, since they make more from losing.

Conservatives love poking fun of Leftists’ self-proclaimed psychological problems. But they miss the beam in their own eye: crippling abandonment issues that have them perpetually in search of a daddy figure.
Americans hate hearing this, but Daddy left for cigarettes years ago, and he’s not coming back. No strongman is coming to turn the clock back to 1988. This isn’t your country anymore. It’s not a country at all. It’s a giant international airport concourse.

The cultural, political, and economic institutions are fully in Death Cult hands. That Cult will not countenance heretics in their ranks.

We can’t overthrow the Cult’s anti-morality at the ballot box. Nor will arguing on their terms defeat them. We were warned where abandoning Christianity would lead. Now we’ve arrived at the inevitable end of that road.

America is under divine judgment. The chastisement can no longer be averted. But it can always be mitigated if we repent and turn back to Jesus Christ.

At the very least, we can stop giving money to people that hated Him first.

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