Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier


One of the first lessons smart dissidents learn is to use discretion in mixed company. It’s not so much that they fear being disowned by Leftist family members or ostracized by NPC friends, though both do happen. In many cases, having fewer cultists to deal with comes as a relief

The more common and tiresome scenario often occurs when Leftist–and all too often, Conservative–associates overhear dissenters stating the friend/enemy political distinction. Pointing out that the practical end of politics is helping one’s friends and rewarding one’s enemies should not be controversial, least of all to the Left. After all, they are currently wielding state power to rake the defeated President over the coals and vindictively crush his supporters.
Putting the squeeze on the other side might not be as much of a problem if Conservatives ever reciprocated. Trump deserves his share of the blame here. If he’d followed through on bringing Hillary Clinton up on federal charges or declaring Antifa a terrorist group, His enemies might have thought twice before destroying him and his followers.
Yet, when it’s pointed out to Leftists that their Cult has declared half the country traitors worthy of the firing squad, they take umbrage at calling it enmity.
Perhaps it’s the well-known reaction bullies have against targets who finally stand up for themselves. The Cultists can perhaps be excused for their shock at dissident pushback when Conservatives have spent decades jumping through hoops for their enemies’ favor.
The most edifying reaction Cultists tend to display when their enmity is highlighted isn’t their oblivious denial. It’s their common accusation that the dissident is somehow judging them. Note that the political friend/enemy distinction is amoral. It just states that political factions are engaged in a game of winner take all; not who’s right or wrong.
Then again, we know that Cultists always seek to claim the moral high ground in every instance. They are Cultists precisely because they suffer from low self-worth and constantly crave moral validation. It’s not enough to hold the elite-approved moral position. The Cultist must be seen to hold approved positions. Every social interaction becomes an occasion to seize the moral upper hand.
That’s why correctly calling a Cultist your enemy will often earn you an accusation of passing judgment on him. It’s a classic DARVO tactic in which personal shame and guilt are projected onto the target. It’s also a tacit admission that the Cultist does in fact want you destroyed.

But he’s right to do so, you see, because you deserve what’s not happening to you.

The best way to avoid the urge to grab a Cultist associate and shake him is to stay incognito. If you do get made by the enemy, an effective response is to ask if he thinks George Floyd’s death is indicative of a widespread attitude among police. Then ask the same question about Ashli Babbitt.

When the Cultist inevitably applies a double standard to these cases, taking him to task for hypocrisy is exactly the wrong response. In war, it’s not hypocritical to help one’s allies and harm one’s enemies. Simply tell that to the Cultist and shrug.

Have fun reading sci fi again

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