In case anyone still thinks I’m indulging in hyperbole when I call the Left a fanatical Death Cult, let’s compare their practices to pioneering psychologist Robert J. Lifton’s methods that cults use to brainwash people.
Lifton called the following mind control methods Thought Reform. It’s as dystopian as it sounds. Here’s how it works:
Milieu control
All communication with outside world is limited, either being strictly filtered or completely cut off. Whether it is a monastery or a behind-closed-doors cult, isolation from the ideas, examples and distractions of the outside world turns the individuals attention to the only remaining form of stimulation, which is the ideology that is being inculcated.

Mystical manipulation
A part of the teaching is that the group has a higher purpose than others outside the group. This may be altruistic, such as saving the world or helping people in need. It may also be selfish, for example that group members will be saved when others outside the group will perish.

Individuals are encouraged to confess past ‘sins’ (as defined by the group). This creates a tension between the person’s actions and their stated belief that the action is bad, particularly if the statement is made publicly. The consistency principle thus leads the person to fully adopt the belief that the sin is bad and to distance themselves from repeating it.

Self-sanctification through purity
Individuals are encouraged to constantly push towards an ultimate and unattainable perfection. This may be rewarded with promotion within the group to higher levels, for example by giving them a new status name (acolyte, traveller, master, etc.) or by giving them new authority within the group.

Aura of sacred science
The beliefs and regulations of the group are framed as perfect, absolute and non-negotiable. The dogma of the group is presented as scientifically correct or otherwise unquestionable.
Rules and processes are therefore to be followed without question, and any transgression is a sin and hence requires atonement or other forms of punishment, as does consideration of any alternative viewpoints.

Loaded language
New words and language are created to explain the new and profound meanings that have been discovered. Existing words are also hijacked and given new and different meaning.

Doctrine over person
The importance of the group is elevated over the importance of the individual in all ways. Along with this comes the importance of the the group’s ideas and rules over personal beliefs and values.
Past experiences, beliefs and values can all thus be cast as being invalid if they conflict with group rules. In fact this conflict can be used as a reason for confession of sins. Likewise, the beliefs, values and words of those outside the group are equally invalid.

Dispensed existence
There is a very sharp line between the group and the outside world. Insiders are to be saved and elevated, whilst outsiders are doomed to failure and loss (which may be eternal).
Who is an outsider or insider is chosen by the group. Thus, any person within the group may be damned at any time. There are no rights of membership except, perhaps, for the leader.

We are not dealing with a political ideology. A heretical cult is making war upon the remnants of Christendom for total control of the West.
The only way to defeat this false faith is with true faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Do the cultists realize that we’ve already passed every deadline to save the planet? How tragic would it be if they gave themselves to dispair and consequently burned the entire world to get it over with?
They were burning the planet anyway, but that’s beside the point.
They are like any other doomsday cult. When the deadline passes, they just make another deadline and pretend the first deadline didn’t exist.
“Even though the science was totally settled and you were an idiot for believing otherwise, the deadline was only science, you fundie–not a religious dogma. Now prostrate yourself before Bill Nye before I make fun you on YouTube.
“Too late!”
One mark of a cult is that its members adhere to fixed, firm beliefs that aren’t subject to objective falsification. Confronting a cultist with ironclad proof that a central tenet of his belief system is false will paradoxically cause him to double down.
The Chicago UFO cult called the Seekers is a textbook example. Their leader claimed the world would end on January 1, 1955 and that a UFO would come to rescue the cultists on December 21, 1954. The spacecraft’s failure to appear only strengthened the members’ delusions.
The impressive touch is how they used Individualism to fashion the ingroup/outgroup dynamic into two separate halves of pleasure-seeking atomized targets and True Believer cultists. Whichever side you choose leads to the same death, but no one considers an option beyond them.
Insidious, but it was a clever play.
The kabuki theater over butt marriage in the aughts and teens perfectly illustrates how Conservatives work hand in glove with the Death Cult. Go back and watch Dick Cheney’s debate with John Edwards from the 2004 elections. When asked if he supported legally sanctioned sodomy, Shotgun Dick grandstanded about it being none of the Feds’ business and kicking the can down to the states.
So California of all places outlawed marriage desecration in 2008 by popular referendum. Then, even though the people of CA did it the “right way” according to Cheney, it was W’s solicitor general Ted Olson who argued in court to get Prop 8 overturned. Because it’s none of the state government’s business what perversions two adults practice in their bedroom.
That’s the schizophrenia animating Conservatives and Libertarians. When it serves the Death Cult’s agenda, government action is the democratic will of the people. When government action might hinder the Death Cult’s agenda, it’s statist collectivism. Meanwhile, the Overton window only moves one way.
This is why the GOP must be destroyed first.
Thanks for updating the links on “A Tale of Two Cults”. I point people to it all the time.
Thank you for spreading the word.