Dominating the headlines as of this writing is news of the Taliban’s lightning reconquest of Afghanistan. The collapse of American neocons’ pet project in the lead up to the 20th anniversary of 9/11 once again shows that the Almighty has a robust sense of humor.
For some perspective, here is the situation on the ground:
These developments come mere days after Joe Biden gave one of the most retroactively humiliating press conferences in recent memory.
As for the region’s once and current rulers’ agenda:
How did a ragtag bunch of hill people outlast the world’s only superpower?
The same way they always have: They maintained confidence in their culture, which fueled their determination to never give up.
The Z Man writes:
The big lesson is that the Washington regime never felt it necessary to subvert the culture of Afghanistan. Instead, they spent twenty years celebrating it. Sure, they did the superficial stuff like flying the flags of various sexual deviants over the embassy, but they never tried to impose it on the Afghans in the same was we see them do it to white Americans.
The Death Cultists’ false faith in diversity blinded them to the necessity of demoralizing the Afghan population to cement their occupation. On a level cultural playing field, the Cult’s moral vision proved inferior to Islam.
That is why the Death Cult and its Pop Cult acolytes have worked tirelessly for decades to sever the West from its Christian roots.
No moral vision can outshine that of Christianity, because only the Church teaches the fullness of Truth.
If a majority of Americans still possessed the full clarity of their Christian moral vision, they would have the resolve to conquer the Death Cult through spiritual warfare.
Learn well from the example of Afghanistan. A small, outnumbered and outgunned minority can defeat a materially superior enemy–but only if they have the strength of their convictions.
Few Americans have sufficient conviction to cancel Disney Plus and Netflix. Which makes it all the more urgent to stop funding people who hate you.