Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Pill Pushers

Pill Pusher

Stare long enough into the abyss  that the Death Cult is hurtling us toward, and you’ll eventually notice that political ideology is just a thin layer of scum coating the surface.

Politics is, after all, the art of properly organizing society toward the greatest good for the most people. It’s a strictly practical matter.

But listen to the Cult long enough, and you realize that they never speak in practical terms. Their pitch is never, “Let’s muster these resources in this way to solve that real problem.”

Instead, the Cult always and everywhere speaks in strictly moral terms. To the extent that they express any concern for practical issues like pollution or poverty, the material problem is always ancillary to some moral panic.

To them, poverty is bad–not because people are hungry or homeless–but because they believe that poverty is a symptom of systemic social inequality between the majority and various sacred victim groups. The same goes for crime, education, and even healthcare.

Politics is just one tool the Cult uses to advance its moral vision for the world. And an organization whose main purpose is spreading a particular moral vision based on a specific cosmology is called a religion.

When that religion’s fervent aim is destroying the cultural bonds that hold civilization together, you call it what it is–a Death Cult. For a century, the Cult’s strategy has been to ratchet Western culture away from its Christian foundations. They’ve used politics to this end, but only as a tool; not an end in itself.

The way it happened was the Cult would propose one policy that bent Western social norms. They’d always sugarcoat the deviation in reasonable-sounding rhetoric, promising that this one little departure from tradition would fix the problem. But the problem, if it existed, would never be fixed. Instead, the moral rupture would cause worse problems, for which the Cult would prescribe more severe breaks with tradition.

Think of the Cult as sociopathic pill pushers that deliberately make their patients sick so they can sell them drugs that will numb the symptoms while causing worse diseases. Instead of dealing bad medicine that causes, say, lymphoma, the Cult’s poison has afflicted the West with moral cancer.

Conservatives have missed this for years. They’ve stubbornly restricted their criticism of the Death Cult to the political realm. This fetish for practicality is why Conservatives disregard art, among other culture war fronts, and why the Cult runs rings around them.

Politics – to the extent it even exists in a one-party state – has been stripped down to the pitiless business of rewarding friends and punishing enemies.

Unfortunately, most people are still stuck in the obsolete Left-Right paradigm. They’re sure that the mandates, riots, and inflation will go away if they vote harder next time and elect the right politician.

Even more pitiable are those who know they’re targeted by a totalitarian system yet have no faith to sustain them. Dissent from that system will soon mean overcoming fear of death. Nothing in the fedora tippers’ or the tree worshipers’ ad hoc beliefs can impart the supernatural virtue required.

Perfection in virtue comes only through faith in Jesus Christ.

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