Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Winning the War on Porn

OnlyFans Dead

The generational shift against porn I noted a while back may have started bearing fruit sooner than expected.

In a surprising announcement, the social media application OnlyFans said that they would no longer permit “sexually explicit content” on their site starting Oct. 1.

The shocking news comes after the media platform boomed during the pandemic, reaching 130 million total users. The site became a popular location for sex work during lockdowns, as guidelines regarding explicit content were all but non-existent.

However, in their recent statement, OnlyFans noted that their decision to ban explicit adult content came at the request of the company’s “banking partners and payout providers.”

“In order to ensure the long-term sustainability of the platform, we must evolve our content guidelines,” the statement said.

The narrative that the banking and payment processing complex suddenly grew a conscience never held water. These companies have no qualms about debanking cultural conservatives. That they would decide on their own to turn around and attack an industry that conservatives decry as one of the world’s worst spiritual plagues strains belief.

As it turns out, the payment processors themselves took heat from a source that’s as surprising as it is refreshing.

Exodus Cry, a leading advocacy group fighting sexual exploitation and human trafficking, also credited the surprising change to the increased awareness surrounding the harmful effects that the porn industry has on minors.

XBIZ journalist Gustavo Turner tweeted that despite mainstream media’s conjecture, the change is because of a rule change from MasterCard due to “pressure from religious politicians and groups.”

“Hey mainstream reporters covering the OnlyFans story!” Turner posted. “OnlyFans is banning porn because MasterCard is changing their rules starting Oct. 1 under pressure from religious politicians and groups like NCOSE and Exodus Cry.”

News of a Christian group successfully pressuring megacorps to put the brakes on grave evil is such a long-lost cultural artifact as to evoke Gen Y nostalgia.

Predictably, news of harlotry and onanism being slightly curtailed sent Libertarians to their fainting couches with a bad case of the vapors. Cries of “They’ll take this excuse to ban Conservatives!” ring hollow since the Big Banks have shown no need to make excuses. Rolling back Clown World means learning how to take a win and to stop making the perfect the enemy of the good.

If quantifiable results aren’t enough to convince you this is a positive development, consider the response from the pronoun horse rapper scene.


A Christian organization is keeping people who hate you from getting money.

Go and do likewise.

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